以下是引用jandjshi在2006-7-31 2:51:00的发言:路燈按綠 25秒﹐黃5秒﹐紅30秒變化 从这"按"字来看, 就算它G-Y-R-G-Y-R循环. 1)sufficient. 红和非红(绿+黄)正好30秒间隔. 那第一灯和第三灯正好差开, 所以任何时刻一灯和三灯不会同绿. 2) not sufficient. 35分钟前若是黄, 此刻为绿. 35分钟前若是红, 此刻有3种都有可能, 所以2 alone is not sufficient. 哈! 这题够拗的. LZ 第一个解释容易理解. 第二个我就不怎么懂了. (2) Not sufficient, but my understanding is kind of different: -if, 35 minutes ago, right on the fifth second of 5-second duration, traffic light is yellow. That means: the very end of every minute for this light, its yellow, so the first second after noon, this light is RED? If, 35 minutes ago, this light is not right on the fifth second, and its yellow. then the first second after noon, this light is still YELLOW. -if, 35 minutes ago, right on the 30th second of 30-second duration, traffic light is red. That means: the very end of every minute for this light, its red, so the first second after noon, this light is GREEN? By the same token, If, 35 minutes ago, this light is not right on 30th second of 30-second duration, the light is still RED. Is my understanding correct? Thanks! |