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1.(196)There are several ways to build solid walls using just mud or clay, but the most extensively used method has been the forming of bricks out of mud or clay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, they are laid in the wall in mud mortar.
A.the forming of bricks out of mud or clay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, they are laid
B.forming the mud or clay into bricks, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, to lay them
C.having bricks formed from mud or clay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, they were laid
D.to form the mud or clay into bricks, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, to lay them
E.that bricks were formed from mud or clay, which, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, were laid
2.(197)Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also caused erosion and very quickly deforested whole regions.
A.Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also
B.Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast), which gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but also
C.The systematic clearing of forests in the United States, creating farmland (especially in the Northeast) and giving consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but also
D.The systematic clearing of forests in the United States created farmland (especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also
E.The systematic clearing of forests in the United States not only created farmland (especially in the Northeast), giving consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it
3.(198)Past assessments of the Brazilian rain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees, but such work has not addressed either logging, which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning down individual trees but do not denude the forest.
A.which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning
B.which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burn
C.which removes only selected trees, along with surface fires that burn
D.removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burning
E.removing only selected trees, as well as surface fires that burn