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1. 吃什么都得的病
说的是一个实验,被分成两组来研究disease X--那两组人是被观察研究的,(disease X确实是题目中该病的名称,不是我编的),跟踪了两组人,发现两组都没有感染disease X; 但有一组好像 diet变化什么的;另一组没有变化;结论忘记了。但觉得这题不难,无关的选项很容易辨认。
(2)减肥的人的体重下降10% 和什么8磅之类的说法(应该是无关)。
(3)whether the group is demographically representative
2. 杀虫剂BF
Certainly, pesticides can adversely affect the environment in localities distant from where the pesticide has actually been used. Nevertheless, regulation of pesticide use should not take place at the national level but at the local level. It is in the areas where pesticides are actually applied that they have their most serious effects. Just how serious these effects depend on local conditions such as climate, soil type, and water supply. And local officials are much more likely than national legislators to be truly knowledgeable about such local conditions.
In the argument given, the two boldface portions play which of the following roles?
A. The first provides support for the conclusion of the argument; the second states that conclusion.
B. The first states the conclusion of the argument; the second provides support for that conclusion.
C. The first identifies grounds for a potential objection to the conclusion of the argument; the second states that conclusion.
D. The first identifies grounds for a potential objection to the conclusion of the argument; the second provides support for that conclusion.
E. Each provides support for the conclusion of the argument.
3. 熊和三文鱼的故事
狗熊与三文鱼的就是说狗熊最爱吃三文鱼,但是在三文鱼产卵的季节即使是最凶最大的熊,它们也会driveaway 小鱼,加强