作文:Crowd's Head Clothes是一家衣服店,衣服种类包括jeans,T-shirts等等在年轻人(youth)中很火(hit hot)的。过去五年这家店的retail sales have grown。原来这家店的衣服都是在various retail stores 售卖,现在这家公司打算125家自己的retail stores。然后经理人就让他的顾客买这个公司的stock immediately。因为这家公司将会有大额利润,且这家公司CEO是一个former star,这个人的专辑还是啥原来很火。 ① 时地全等:前五年增长不代表将来 ② Risk和cost-effect analysis:没考虑到开125家店的risk很大,资产流动性会减小,而且可能入不敷出。 ③ 无端假设:star一定会attract more customers吗?
Verbal: 阅读: ①bundling:讲了两种把商品bounding在一起卖的策略。 P1:大概介绍了bundling这种办法,然后说了其中一种方式是A(我不记得具体名词了),这种方式可以使得商场花很少的精力就可以卖出更多的东西。虽然这个组合里有的东西是顾客不需要的,但是顾客还是会买组合。(这里有考到,算是bundling的一种特点) P2:讲了另一种方式B(也不记得具体名词了),有提到里面有special的东西。然后说有了B,也不会影响到B组合里东西单独卖的销量。(这里有考到,算是bundling的一种特点)
题目有: 1. 主旨题:记得最后排除到两个选项,一个是说介绍bundling这种办法是如何运作的,一个是比较两种方法,啥啥啥。我选了前面那个,因为后面选项的后部分描述我感觉没体现在原文里面。 2. Bundling这种售卖方法的特点不包括什么,细节题。全文定位吧。
②介绍了social change还是什么,反正是社会的什么,会促进radical business change。还有一个关键词应该是rebel。这篇很长,有三段,一屏半。我来不太急看了,后面用各种产业(其中一个是automobile)里的变化来阐述这个主旨。记得automobile产业里有考细节题(对club的描述除了哪个都是正确的),具体是说原来automobile manufactures通过降低价格使得好像是19世纪的汽车变成普通人可以用的。但是还不够,是通过一个club里的人,虽然这个club没有被automobilemanufactures资助,但是他们做了一系列的事情,他们认为汽车是解决交通问题的方法,所以他们带头放弃马车。还说了很多不记得了,最后两句话高亮了(问高亮的是啥意思):多少年以后,他们不再怎么了,因为automobile已经变成了fact。
根据bzy!同学提供的文章,我整了一下,感觉这些内容和原文很接近了,尤其一三,二段我在考场上没认真看! Activists who challenge thestatus quo play a critical but often overlooked role in both promoting andimpeding radical business innovation. Their importance stemsfrom the very nature of innovation, which frequently challenges existinginterests, norms, values, social practices, and relationships. As a result, thejoined hands of market rebels—activists and their recruits—have with surprisingfrequency exerted significant influence on market acceptance of breakthroughproducts and services.
For example, nearly all of the technical aspectsassociated with personal computing were available by 1972, but the PC didn’ttake off until a few years later when hobbyists, rebelling against centralizedcomputing, organized groups such as the Homebrew Computer Club. These clubs werespawning grounds for actors—such as inventors, founders of companies likeApple, and developers of programs and games—who collectively established themarket for personal computers and eventually stimulated the entry of largercompanies. Similarly, the hybrid car succeeded partly because market rebels inthe environmental movement paved the way by arousingcollective enthusiasm for “green” causes among consumers and regulators.
The car, a radical inventionthat promised to transform the experience of transportation, was an extremelyhot cause. In 1895, when the automobileindustry was just beginning, thegasoline-powered car was poorly understood, notoriously unreliable, and reviledby vigilante antispeeding organizations.这里有一句说通过什么,把价格降低到general xxx。Ford didn’t need to, because asocial movement powered by automobile clubs comprising car enthusiastsplayed a central role in legitimating the automobile and presenting it as amodern solution to the problem of transportation. These enthusiasts (primarilydoctors and other professionals) were rebels who flouted convention, abandonedthe horse-drawn carriage for the automobile, and sought to popularize its use. Neithersponsored nor financed by car manufacturers, the clubs were both social innature and focused on improving quality, shielding car owners from legalharassment, and promoting the construction of good roads. Club involvementenabled members to construct an identity built around a new consumer role. Inaddition to working with state governments to draft laws licensing cars andmandating speed limits, automobile clubs organized reliability contests that pitted carsagainst one another in endurance, hill climbing, and fuel-economy runs. Eachcontest—a cool mobilization if there ever was one—was widely viewed as a testthat proved to audiences that the automobile was reliable. The firstreliability contest was in 1895; by 1912 the contests were discontinued becauseorganizers recognized that the automobile had become a social fact.
逻辑有一道黑脸题:说的是一个新发现动物(不记得是啥了),黑脸的第一部分是说这个新发现的动物和之前的这种动物有很多相同的特征,列举了。黑脸的第二部分是最后一句话的一半(啥啥啥),最后一句话说更多的研究被需要去证明到底新发现的是和原来的一个祖先还是啥啥啥。 所以我选的是第一部分是facts,第二部分是这些facts可能的explain。
数学:数学题目其实都不难,就是题目都又臭又长,真的做到绝望! ①一个数除以10余5,除以8余3,(数字记不清了,应该没错,注意方法就好)然后求这个数的范围,我算的答案是70-80.方法就是求这个数的通式,我记得算出来是x=40k+35。 ②算到了两道简单的排列组合,都是5个里面选3个 ③一个圆里面三个小圆都是相切的,然后告诉你三个小圆的圆心连起来是等边三角形,每个小圆圆心到大圆圆心的举例相等,求大圆半径和小圆半径的比例。