关于古时夏威夷人建造速度问题 P1.科学家假设夏威夷那会儿用250来年才弄完那些建筑 oral(还是narrative来着)historian有证据认为夏威夷人建造速度比科学家估计的快很多 科学家一直没能科学证明这件事 P2.最近出现新的科学方法检测 从seawater里提取什么铀235(然后一连串此科学方法步骤检测年代,我跳过去了) 最后结果证明historian是对的 题目: 问题1。主旨 有个选项新研究法支持historian并让科学家深入了解特定地区历史 问题2。哪项文中没给解释 有选项是why科学家认为夏威夷人那么长时间才造完建筑 问题3.“one generation”最后一句原文加引号作者infer 有选项是夏威夷人用时很短 根本不是科学家说的那样。。。 (以上选项不一定是我选过的 只是脑子里有印象) V2 【bylylie1163】 还有一篇很短的是讲美国夏威夷的寺庙建筑,然后分析他们的社会政治生活的改变, 第一段是讲寺庙的建筑,然后他们的历史,但科学家又得不到确定的认证, 第二段就在讲用先进的一技术认证了他们建筑里含有什么物质,可以证实他们的口诉的历史,然后科学家还是考古学家证实了但是人们社会政治生活的转变。大概讲这个,不难,也蛮短的。 题目: 有考主旨题
考古 确认
V1: 一道讲了度量一个temple建造时间的新方法。第一段说,原先历史学家认为建造的span是250年,但是原始的居民传说在P这个人的领导下,社会开始了宗教XX。第二段说,历史学家们无法判断时间是因为没办法根据元素来追踪时间,dating techniques,但是最新发现了一种办法是根据coral来判断年份,是因为temple的墙上有些植物,包含的元素不同。不拉不拉不拉。最后判断出temple
a singlegeneration。(此处有题,问你为什么作者最后一句话提到这个,我选了说用于表明结论和历史学家们认为的不同).建造temple,机经阅读汇总上的英文原文和考试文章高度相似,主要内容和主人公完全一样,只是行文略有不同。请千万重视。 以下是机经阅读汇总上的英文原文: 考古中狗主说和原文相似度极高
Proto-historic Hawaiian temples on the island of Maui may have mushroomed up within just 30 years, not 250 as previously supposed, scientists say. The findings could significantly alter researchers' understanding of the pace of precontact sociopolitical change in the Pacific.
Hawaiian genealogies and oral histories hold that sometime around 1600 A.D. a ruler named Pi'ilani united two opposing chiefdoms on Maui into a peaceful kingdom, marking the emergence of a religious state on the island. Archaeologists had been unable to confirm that sequence of events, however, in part because of the limitations of carbon dating. (一种炭14元素测时间技术)
In the new work, Patrick V. Kirch and Warren D. Sharp of the University of California and Berkeley used another kind of radiometric technique involving thorium-230, rather than carbon-14, to date bits of branch coral that were collected from living reefs and left as divine offerings at seven different temples during construction.(部分细节定位题) Dates for these corals, which had been incorporated into walls and platform fill, all fell in a narrow range of 1565 to 16XX A.D., give or take a few years on either end. Moreover, dates on the samples that best reflect the time they were harvested from the sea--those from the coral branch tips--ranged from 1608 to 16xx A.D., an interval of just 30 years. These findings thus point to intensive temple-building during that time. Because temples served as centers for control of production and the collection of surplus goods, the team contends, it seems likely that the construction boom accompanied a profound shift in sociopolitical structure. (第二段有细节题,看仔细)
Kirch and Sharp observe that the conquests described by local oral traditions coincide with these new dates, and would have more than doubled the size of the Maui polity to upwards of 2,360 square kilometers--the magnitude of expansion expected with the formation of an archaic state. "The temples provide tangible archaeological evidence of the speed with which a fundamental sociopolitical transition occurred in proto-historic Hawaii," the authors conclude. Indeed, they note, it may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians. (证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快,在一代就完成)
Q1:TOPIC证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想的快Q2: What can infer EXCEPT (细节题) Q3: why scientist can not prove Hawaii happened in a single period of history originally?: the limitations of carbon dating. Q4:问主旨,答案是一种新的方法证明了oral history关于那个岛社会政治发展比原来人们认为的250年要快。
Q1:为什么作者最后一句话提到判断出 temple 的建造时间是a single generation?用于表明结论和历史学家们认为的不同(V35)
Q2:本文中提供的信息不能得到以下哪个选项的答案,选项中有:为什么科学家 认为是250年?用coral检验了什么?等等.有个选项是这个庙是为什么建 的,还有个那个领导人啥啥啥的
Q3:文章中说这个temple发展within a single generation的目的是什么
3说明用那个方法倒推出来的时间是amenable的,好像是“可修改的”不确 定了,我理解的它的意思是想表达“不那么精确”,所以犹豫了很久
我选了5.。。。(V 28)
Q4: temple 的建造时间是 a single generation,infer? 这道的答案应该不是原来JJ里的,这道题的答案定位在最后一句话,这句话是两个分句,后半句是t mayhave happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians.,因此答案是前半个分句
Q5:Thefollowing are mentioned in the passage except?
The reason why former scientists expected the social reform last250 years.
为什么一开始认为是construction持续了250年(250年可以秒选)(v 36)
我选D,表明和traditional 科学家的看法一致。 E说 表明那个时候建造的速度uneven。。
provide evidence that social reform is uneven(注意uneven这个词可以秒选)(v 36)
reaserch show evidencethat can improve scientists' consideration toward the social reform in somearea of Pacif ic Ocean(注意有几个选项有oral historicians是不对的!)(v36) V2 老张1119
V3 by cc1990 740
V4 by chole蜗牛 670
Hawii temple. 这篇虽然JJ上有但是不是很全就补充下,而且JJ跟我看到的很不一样一开头是一样的就是科学家通过新的一种技术研究珊瑚还是啥的来验证他们的想法,然后珊瑚的特征让科学家相信它们是比之前认为的建造的更快。但是这个只是开头第一段的一部分,这篇文章主要是为了利用这个科学发现证明一个social reform of 这个地方!!利用了一个元素叫“U-223”追踪的办法,确定那个TAMPLE应该在某一个时代产生,但是后来却又有个实验证明这个TAMPLE并不是在这个时代产生的,说是那个时代不可能有这么快发展的可能,在那个时代people并不是那么推举这个样式的temple 这里还说到一些关于religion 的问题但是我没有碰到religion的考题所以没有记得很清楚…然后影响很深,最后一句的ending 是什么什么of “this single generation”然后有题是这里说的“this singlegeneration”是为了什么,我选的是什么真的记不起来了…然后问道了主旨题,我选的答案应该是有什么science 之类的…具体不记得了…至于JJ说的珊瑚的作用这题我并没有碰到,但是文中的确有”Ornamentally”这个单词,所以各位亲们遇到了就选那个装饰作用应该没有错.
三十、夏威夷建筑 【本月原始】 第一段大概说历史学家一致认为Maui岛上的文化统一是在一段250年的时间段中发生的,但是当地的口述相传是历史上的一位领导者统一了两个文化,然而一直没有什么确凿的物证证明这个“传说” 第二段大概就是说突然有了一个新发现貌似是从庙宇中的珊瑚做年代判定佐证了大概时间点是什么时候 第三段还是第四段就是说这个发现使得口述传说与科学判定相符了,推翻了之前历史学家们的推测 【考古】 第三篇:超简单!不长!比第一篇都简单!不知道是不是理解有误。 P1:夏威夷有个什么遗址,科学家认为有时间-238/-230的,但是根据口述者表示这个遗址应该是在1600年左右(记不清有没有-号了)。 P2:现在根据一个radiomactive探测coral(用bits to detect branch tips和reef解释了7.8行,怕来不及没太看明白,有2个细节题,考场上研究了很久很久,每一个选项都很像)表明这个遗址存在于1638-1608年之间,证实了口述者的猜想(第二题原句,一个词没改)。 第1题:文章主旨题 第2题:科学家的research证实了口述者的描述 第3.4题:coral细节题,有一个make up the walls的选项很tricky. V2 一共只有12行一整段!我感觉有5道题!也许4道! 看到文章那么短的时候我以为我掉库了!文章很短,理解也容易,但是题目超级难!全是细节题!每一道都需要根据题目的其他关键词引申理解到其他地方找,而且每个选项都变说法了,就是感觉特别麻烦,一道题也记不起来了。 科学家在海底发现了古代建筑的痕迹,但是损毁非常严重,用同位素(isocode)测量法,因为sediment和calcium(此处有考题)断定了这个海底建筑的淹没年代。可是和同时期陆地人种的生活方式几乎没有相同点(有举例,可是没考题,应该是我没看懂考什么)。在建筑残骸里发现了早于建筑沉没时期的古生物化石,解释了原因(好像是洋流或者海底火山喷发),都没有实验证明(此处有考题)。结束了,通篇没有作者观点,我记得连个However都没有。 考古: V3 Hawii temple.这篇虽然JJ上有但是不是很全就补充下,而且JJ跟我看到的很不一样一开头是一样的就是科学家通过新的一种技术研究珊瑚还是啥的来验证他们的想法,然后珊瑚的特征让科学家相信它们是比之前认为的建造的更快。但是这个只是开头第一段的一部分,这篇文章主要是为了利用这个科学发现证明一个social reform of 这个地方!!利用了一个元素叫“U-223”追踪的办法,确定那个TAMPLE应该在某一个时代产生,但是后来却又有个实验证明这个TAMPLE并不是在这个时代产生的,说是那个时代不可能有这么快发展的可能,在那个时代people并不是那么推举这个样式的temple 这里还说到一些关于religion 的问题但是我没有碰到religion的考题所以没有记得很清楚…然后影响很深,最后一句的ending 是什么什么of “this single generation”然后有题是这里说的“this singlegeneration”是为了什么,我选的是什么真的记不起来了…然后问道了主旨题,我选的答案应该是有什么science 之类的…具体不记得了…至于JJ说的珊瑚的作用这题我并没有碰到,但是文中的确有”Ornamentally”这个单词,所以各位亲们遇到了就选那个装饰作用应该没有错. V4 by asoka123 720 考古学家原来认为某temple是在200年间建成的,但最新technology采用X和Y两种元素检测发现建筑用的珊瑚怎么怎么样,所以可以断定temple是在几十年间建成的,这和当地人oral口口相传的故事——某代国王吞并了2个邻国开创盛世从而加速temple的建造相符(作者支持) V5 最后一篇是 temple 狗里原文太给力了 考了ecept题选有关R那人建立了religious 国家?不确定啊这个 考了最后一段 one generation那题但是我选的感觉不对啊说支持了oral historian V6 建筑技术珊瑚那个寺庙 最后一篇,时间非常紧,没有认真读… 遇到了一道题,问哪个问题文章没有提到?选项有“确定建造时间用的什么技术方法”,“珊瑚在建temple中的一种可能用途”楼主选了“为什么说那个时代是religious的”不确定正确性。 “this single generation”推断出什么,楼主选了“证明那个(变革还是什么)很快”(大概这个意思吧) V7 1.1.4 建筑技术,jj很全了,且jj资料里有一部分的原文。有一题问到文中最后一句话”happen in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians”是为了什么? V8 by 小爱如猫 700 夏威夷那篇有问文章主旨,选项有new reserch,evidence什么的,我纠结了一下,选的是跟社会经济有关的 文章没有揭示什么,JJ答案正确,选P这个地方是religious 背景知识 Hawaiian temples to the gods of agriculture and war — monumental platforms and terraces made of boulders composed of cooled lava — provide tangible archaeological evidence for this transition from chiefdoms to archaic states The dates for the temple-building boom come from the ages of small branching corals called “cauliflower corals,” found in the temples. The exact symbolic value of temple corals to the Hawaiians — archived in the memories of oral historians — was probably lost when European diseases decimated the population at the end of the 18th century. The corals themselves were not objects of veneration, according to Kirch; rather, they may have served as symbolic offerings, like votive candles in a Catholic church. The base of this branch coral from a Kahikinui archaeological site has been dated to the year 1601, plus or minus seven years. The tip has been dated to 1608 with the same margin of error. The preservation of the specimen indicates that living coral was collected from the sea bottom. The researchers are confident that coral ages provide temple ages. Delicate surface structures on temple corals indicate that these corals were collected live and brought almost immediately to the temples. If the corals were collected dead from the beach, these tiny surface structures would be damaged or absent. The kinds of corals found in the temple pull uranium from the seawater into their skeletons. Over time, the uranium inside coral skeletons naturally decays to lead in several steps, and one of the intermediate products is the element thorium.Sharp estimated the ages of temple corals by measuring the concentrations of thorium versus uranium present in the coral skeletons. This temple-dating approach is an improvement over carbon-14 dating techniques that have been used to estimate the age of charcoal remains of pig bones and other organic materials found at the temples. Dating these charcoals requires scientists to take atmospheric carbon-14 fluctuations into account, which increases the uncertainty of temple construction dates considerably. In contrast, coral age estimates are not influenced by changes in the carbon-14 content of the atmosphere through time. Sharp dated the outer tips of the corals to get as close as possible to the “death date” — the date someone harvested the coral from the ocean and brought it to a temple construction site or temple dedication ceremony. The surprising swiftness of the transition in ancient Hawaiian society, revealed by the new temple construction dates, raises the possibility that similar transitions elsewhere in the world may have been equally abrupt, the authors say. 文章大意:最新研究证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快。口述历史讲述17世纪初有个大牛人P统一了夏威夷,但无法证明,因为相关证据无法用C14测定年代。科学家用了新方法,证明大量用于分配产品的寺庙建于17世纪初,从而证明了口述历史中17世纪初的大变革。 (下面为google搜索到的文章, 和JJ完全一致) Proto-historic Hawaiian temples on the island of Maui may have mushroomed up within just 30 years, not 250 as previously supposed, scientists say. The findings could significantly alter researchers' understanding of the pace of precontact sociopolitical change in the Pacific. Hawaiian genealogies and oral histories hold that sometime around 1600 A.D. a ruler named Pi'ilani united two opposing chiefdoms on Maui into a peaceful kingdom, marking the emergence of a religious state on the island. Archaeologists had been unable to confirm that sequence of events, however, in part because of the limitations of carbon dating. (一种炭14元素测时间技术) In the new work, Patrick V. Kirch and Warren D. Sharp of the University of California and Berkeley used another kind of radiometric technique involving thorium-230, rather than carbon-14, to date bits of branch coral that were collected from living reefs and left as divine offerings at seven different temples during construction.(部分细节定位题) Dates for these corals, which had been incorporated into walls and platform fill, all fell in a narrow range of 1565 to 1638 A.D., give or take a few years on either end. Moreover, dates on the samples that best reflect the time they were harvested from the sea--those from the coral branch tips--ranged from 1608 to 1638 A.D., an interval of just 30 years. These findings thus point to intensive temple-building during that time. Because temples served as centers for control of production and the collection of surplus goods, the team contends, it seems likely that the construction boom accompanied a profound shift in sociopolitical structure. (第二段有细节题,看仔细) Kirch and Sharp observe that the conquests described by local oral traditions coincide with these new dates, and would have more than doubled the size of the Maui polity to upwards of 2,360 square kilometers--the magnitude of expansion expected with the formation of an archaic state. "The temples provide tangible archaeological evidence of the speed with which a fundamental sociopolitical transition occurred in proto-historic Hawaii," the authors conclude. Indeed, they note, it may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians. (证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快,在一代就完成) Q1:TOPIC证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快 topicQ2: What can infer EXCEPT (细节题)Q3: why scientist can not prove Hawaii happened in a single period of history originally?: the limitations of carbon dating. infer: reef从海里拔出来以后就没有再吸收铀了。 再考古 Recently, researchers are able to date the using Tech U230 and U238. Sth from coral near the beach is used in the wall of temple. Scientist date with materials extract from both the coral in the sea and the coral material in the wall.(part of the except Q2 here) Because the coral can absorb U230 and U238(I think from the sea. None of them in the air) It proves that many temples shows up in a short period of time. Temples were used as a center to control the production and collect surplus foods. Therefore, prove the is a sudden society change in this period and it confers what oral history said and。最(证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快 topic pretty sure ). Q1:TOPIC证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快 topic Q2: CAN INFER EXCEPT a) is Hawaii society formed by the king religious? b) why scientist can not prove Hawaii happened in a single period of history originally? Awn: the material is used in the wall is for structure soundness?