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[原始] 8.2 放狗(。ì _ í。)

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发表于 2017-8-2 15:42:40 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

作文:brochure of T公司里说:
培养新employee用传统方法不如用online self-training programs 有两个好处 可以减少train 时间,因为传统方法既耗费新员工时间也耗费experienced员工的时间,造成loss productive。另一个好处是可以减少cost;然后建议公司买它们的program
(记得不是很完整 基本点都在上面

civil rights 二战的时候 黑人从农村到城市 然后跟vote有关 还有discrimination啥的
(妈呀啥都不记得细节了 希望有人能考古

一种vine植物 成长的时候会影响其他植物
第二段说 科学家觉得它会smell 举例子它会被tomato吸引(不记得是attract 还是attach) 还有另外一种植物,但是它不会被其他的一些植物如wheat吸引
第三段寻找原因,tomato里有三种物质会吸引这种vine,其中有一种在wheat里也可以找到,但是wheat里同时存在一种物质repel 这个vine。
还有一题问推断:我选的是E wheat里repel的物质的作用比attract的那个物质大

有一道题ABCDEF六个组 然后开三天会,每天两个组。一个组开会不能超过一天,

2)cannot be第一天开会的组是?

考完就失忆了 数学都记得不是很清楚 如果想起来再放吧……710 q49 v35供大家参考!大家加油~
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发表于 2017-8-2 15:53:12 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-2 15:57:59 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-2 16:43:44 | 只看该作者
V1  by  echolove

V2  by  teazuka  V37 700
讲的是某种有毒的植物也不知道细菌,暂且叫有毒植物吧p1:这个有毒植物没有根,要在十天内寄生到别的植物上,然后向外扩散再去寄生别的植物(感觉说的很像在植物之间搞出了个蜘蛛网,不是特别懂,但反正没出题),然后说这东西非常毒能让California的土豆每年减多少收入 p2:发现这种有毒植物是靠味道的,科学家放了各种东西,这有毒植物只往有土豆和土豆味香水方向跑,还往一种XXX植物跑的,但是玻璃瓶水杯大米植物啥的有毒植物不往那里跑。(这个地方XXX植物记不清了,有考到问这段说啥,应该是说植物会往有的植物跑有的不跑吧,XXX植物出现在过选项里,但是好像不对的没选)P3:科学家就开始研究这些味道,发现土豆和XXX植物有特定的味道元素能吸引有毒植物,然后其中一种味道元素大米也有的,但是大米有能repel有毒植物的东西(这段考了目的,在”告诉农民有方法可以去除有毒植物“和”有可能找到新方法去除有毒植物“之间想了半天,选了后者,感觉虽然强烈暗示下面就从大米去找东西来repel有毒植物了,但是还没到农民能直接用的地步,不知道对不对==)

V3 by wings930523

V4 by络小抽

※往届考古 已确认
版本一   有害植物

V1 Bychenr523
阅读有一篇是说一种有害植物吧dodder的 种子到处传播的 说是它能够好像有感觉一样能认到有tomatoprefume的东西。。还有impatiens也和tomato有类似作用

V2 by lixianzhen




V3 by sharian 760 q51v40
小寄生植物d的故事 (简单)
问到第三段(wheat)的功用,因为implication in 农业之类

V4 by epl6200l
2.1.3 有害植物(共三段,一屏不到)
第二段是一个实验, 发现dodder会寄生在某些植物上, 如tomato和impatiens,某些种类的植物则不会
第三段发现wheat和tomato发出共同的气味, 但不寄生wheat, 所以可以利用这一点来帮助农民
考了(1)主旨题, (2)第三段的目的, (3)第二段的主旨: 我选的是说了dodder会选择某些植物寄生, 某些不会

版本二  寄生(F15)注意题目有变(12.1)
一个说的是dodder, 第一段说的它是怎么把种子撒在植物的树干里,然后怎么缠住植物导致植物死亡的。二段说西红柿地因为它减产。发现西红柿有个什么吸引它的种子。(反正说它难解决)三段好像发现一个什么可以解决这个问题。问题有一个是dodder是怎么影响西红柿的。


一个说的是dodder, 第一段说的它是一定要在一个星期内找到寄主,不然会死。又说一般它的寄主最后都会死(有题,那个must be true,里面有个选项,dodder will eventually kill the plant)。它还引起了某年西红柿的收成损失xxx(一个数目或者比例)。第二段说作相关的研究,开始种在一片地方,放其他植物在旁边,它不会倍吸引过去。然后放放西红柿就倍吸引过去了。然后研究人员在西红柿研究出了7种香素,这些香素有几种在wheat中也有,但是wheat中还有一种抑制dodder的香素。最后一段我忘了说什么了。有一道题目是问第二段中说了些什么。选项中有个选项是出现在第一段的,一个说dodder需要在一个星期内找到寄主,不然会死去。正确的选项应该是wheat中有一种抑制dodder的香素。

At first, the researchers set various possible targets several centimeters fromdodder sprouts. A pot of moist soil alone didn't attract the seedlings, nor didvials of dyed water that created colored light. But a pot with a young tomatoplant, and even a cup of perfume made of tomato volatiles, did attract theseedlings
我記得最後一句是..... doddergrows toward impatiens and tomatoes, but not wheat.
Q:問整個第三段的功能(整個第三段反黃):有兩個選項很像A:針對前面講到的題出一個conclusion 另一個:.....findings 我好像選這個這題很不確定大家要在判斷一下
第三段:整段就在解釋為什麼wheat不會attract dodder,科學家分析tomato中有7種perfume其中有四種會吸引dodder,wheat也有其中一種,但是wheat也有一種東西會repel dodder,因此提供了一種可以防治dodder的想法
When researchers tested seven ingredients in the tomato perfume individually,three of them proved attractive to the dodder. One of those attractants showedup in wheat, but the wheat perfume also contained a substance that repelled theseedlings. Such a repellent might offer a new route for fighting dodder


Scent Stalking: Parasitic vine grows towardtomato odor

Susan Milius

A wiry orange vine finds plants to raid fornutrients by growing toward their smell, researchers report.

One of the parasitic plants called dodders responds to volatile compounds waftingoff nearby plants and shows preferences for certain species, says Consuelo DeMoraes of Pennsylvania State University in University Park. They say that theirnew work marks the first time that anyone has shown that a plant will growtoward airborne chemicals from other plants.

The experiment finally identifies acue—scent—that draws dodder to its victims, adds Mark C. Mescher, also of Penn State
The U.S. Department of Agriculture lists dodderamong the country's 10 worst weeds. When a dodder seed sprouts, it doesn't growroots. All its energy goes into a tendril that shoots out in search of plantsto tap for water and nutrients.If it's going to survive, it must latch on toa victim within about a week. The vine grows into a spaghettitangle and can attack multiple plants, stunting their growth but not killingthem.

Of the 150 species of dodder, the researchersselected Cuscuta pentagona,says coauthor Justin Runyon, also of Penn State. This species bedevils tomato growers in California,where it costs them an estimated $4 million a year in reduced yields.
De Moraes' team and other researchers havestudied the volatile compounds released by plants that are mauled bycaterpillars or other pests. In the new study, reported in the Sept. 29 Science, the team took adifferent point of view, looking at how an attacker, the dodder, takesadvantage of volatiles to target its prey.

At first, the researchers set various possible targets several centimetersfrom dodder sprouts. A pot of moist soil alone didn't attract the seedlings, nordid vials of dyed water that created colored light.But a pot with a youngtomato plant, and even a cup of perfume made of tomato volatiles, did attractthe seedlings

To minimize any confounding cues, such asshading or light, the researchers then set the possible attractants in chambersconnected to the plant by curving pipes. Again, the seedlings grew toward the scent.

Testing various victim species, the researchersfound that doddergrows toward impatiens and tomatoes.Wheat won't sustain dodder well, and givena choice, parasite seedlings shunned it and grew toward tomatoes.

When researchers tested seven ingredientsin the tomato perfume individually, three of them provedattractive to the dodder. One of those attractants showed up in wheat, but thewheat perfume also contained a substance that repelled the seedlings. Such arepellent might offer a new route for fighting dodder, Mescher speculates.

An insect ecologist who has also studiedplant volatiles, Rick Karban of the University of California, Davis comments,"The significance of this [study] to me is that it indicates that withouta central nervous system, plants are capable of behaving in ways that appearfairly sophisticated."



Dodder is a wiry, orange vine that steals water and nutrients fromother plants. Scientists have now found that this vine chooses its victim bysmell, growing its shoots in the direction of a plant's natural perfume. A seedlingof a vine known as dodder attaches to a tomato plant.
When a dodder seed sprouts, itdoesn't grow roots to seek its own food. Instead, it grows a shoot that reachesout to other plants, tapping them for food. The baby vine needs to find a hostwithin a week to survive. It then grows into a spaghetti tangle that can evenensnare more than one plant.
Also known as strangleweed andwitches' shoelaces, dodders are listed among the 10 worst weeds in the UnitedStates. They can cost farmers millions of dollars by stunting their crops.
To figure out how a type ofdodder vine known to prefer tomato plants finds a victim, scientists placeddodder sprouts near several possible targets. These targets included pots ofmoist soil, little jars of dyed water that created colored lights, young tomatoplants, and even a cup of perfume made from chemicals that tomato plants giveoff.
Seedlings grew toward the tomatoplant. They also reached out toward the cup of tomato perfume. They tended notto grow toward the moist soil or colored water.
The scientists then used adifferent setup, hiding the targets in chambers connected to dodder sproutsonly by curving pipes, so the vine could find them only by smell. Doddersprouts still grew toward their favored targets.
By placing dodder sprouts neardifferent plants, the scientists found that the type of dodder that they werestudying prefers tomatoes and a flower called impatiens. And when given achoice between tomato and wheat, vine seedlings grow toward tomato.
The researchers then tested sevenof the ingredients that make up tomato perfume separately. Dodder sprouts wereattracted to three of them.
One of these ingredients turns upin wheat perfume, but the wheat perfume also contains a substance that repelsdodder sprouts. This chemical could offer farmers one way to fight the vine andsave their crops.—C. Gramling


One ofthe parasitic plants called dodders responds to volatile compounds wafting offnearby plants and shows preferences for certain species, says Consuelo DeMoraes of Pennsylvania State University in University Park. They say that theirnew work marks the first time that anyone has shown that a plant will growtoward airborne chemicals from other plants.
The experiment finally identifies a cue—scent—that draws dodder to itsvictims, adds Mark C. Mescher, also of Penn State.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture lists dodder among the country's 10worst weeds. When a dodder seed sprouts, it doesn't grow roots. All its energygoes into a tendril that shoots out in search of plants to tap for water andnutrients. If it's going to survive, it must latch on to a victim within abouta week. The vine grows into a spaghetti tangle and can attack multiple plants,stunting their growth but not killing them.
Of the 150 species of dodder, the researchers selected Cuscutapentagona, says coauthor Justin Runyon, also of Penn State. This speciesbedevils tomato growers in California, where it costs them an estimated $4million a year in reduced yields.
De Moraes' team and other researchers have studied the volatilecompounds released by plants that are mauled by caterpillars or other pests. Inthe new study, reported in the Sept. 29 Science, the team took a differentpoint of view, looking at how an attacker, the dodder, takes advantage ofvolatiles to target its prey.
At first, the researchers set various possible targets severalcentimeters from dodder sprouts. A pot of moist soil alone didn't attract theseedlings, nor did vials of dyed water that created colored light. But a potwith a young tomato plant, and even a cup of perfume made of tomato volatiles,did attract the seedlings (see movie at
To minimize any confounding cues, such as shading or light, theresearchers then set the possible attractants in chambers connected to theplant by curving pipes. Again, the seedlings grew toward the scent.
Testing various victim species, the researchers found that dodder growstoward impatiens and tomatoes. Wheat won't sustain dodder well, and given achoice, parasite seedlings shunned it and grew toward tomatoes.
When researchers tested seven ingredients in the tomato perfumeindividually, three of them proved attractive to the dodder. One of thoseattractants showed up in wheat, but the wheat perfume also contained asubstance that repelled the seedlings. Such a repellent might offer a new routefor fighting dodder, Mescher speculates.
An insect ecologist who has also studied plant volatiles, Rick Karbanof the University of California, Davis comments, "The significance of this[study] to me is that it indicates that without a central nervous system,plants are capable of behaving in ways that appear fairly sophisticated."
发表于 2017-8-2 16:43:58 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-2 16:46:23 | 只看该作者
V1第一段讲二战的时候美国黑人的civil rights有改善,因为战争导致城市里需要大量的Industrial workers. 后来这些黑人的voting participation增加了
第二段说organized labor也对civil rights 有帮助,改变了racial descrimination at work place之类,最后提到白人和黑人之间的wage difference 也有改善
最后一段说civil rights progress 遇到些困难,各种conflict,后来labor union就不再lead civil rights movement, 而变成church来领导   by Memo520

P1二战的时候美国黑人的civil rights有改善
        原因: 战争导致城市需要工人,黑人进城
        结果:civil rights提升
P2 organized labor帮助提升civil rights
        黑人加入NAAPC
        结果:工资差距减少,歧视减少
P3 However,战争结束前情况有变,工会不再领导维权活动
        外部:与白人竞争,产生矛盾
        内部:分歧和妥协

P1二战的时候,美国黑人的civil rights有所改善。因为战争导致城市里需要大量的Industrial workers,所以黑人从suburban地区大量来到城市,并且最终得到了一定的政治权力,随之而来的这些黑人的voting participation增加了(“one person, one vote”),且北边黑人投票率是以前的2倍,南边是以前4倍。(有题)
P2 organized labor对黑人civil rights 的提升也有所帮助。没有加入公会的美国黑人受到civil rights提高的鼓舞加入了NAAPC.(有题,问有哪些关于NAAPC的说法是正确的)。与此同时,它改善了包括racial discrimination at work place,(尤其在北方的工业城市)白人和黑人之间的wage difference 等一系列情况。(有题)
P3 However,这种civil rights提高的好时光在战争结束前就被打破了。        civil rights progress 遇到各种conflicts and tensions。其中包括(1)黑人工资,住房等一系列问题和白人形成竞争。(2)黑人内部有了分歧和妥协.所以有了一些反对civil rights的活动。因此,后来labor union就不再lead civil rights movement, 而变成church来领导。

1、(参考P2)哪项说明了二战时期黑人civil rights的改变? (本月试题)
V1选C:一个农村来的黑人找到了defend factory的job,得到union wage(本月700+狗主确认)
V1选C:tenfold increase is due to unions workers‘ participation because they think NAAPC can offer them more than unions.定位第二段  
V2选E: The huge amount of black worker joining NAAPC want to have further earning because the past experiences show it has improved black's civil relations(参考答案)
E说是黑人对未来的hope,希望可以继续拿多点钱,有多点权,所以加入组织。这题选项生词多,要选绝对没有夸张的。  by 750
3、问题有针对第二段的“下面哪些可以体现黑人的地位变化” (本月试题)
选项有:黑人和白人的工资区别小了(参考答案)、(本月V32狗主cindylai 答案)
4、下面behavior哪个属于an instance of the conditions mentioned in P1., (本月试题)
V1我貌似选的是有个农民听说城市里面有industrial job的机会,然后got the job and joined union pay. 感觉这个选项符合P1里说的migrated to cities where lots of industrial workers needed【本月v31狗主】
V1  虽然黑人手中有民权,但始终有限(参考答案)
..civil rights...but ...limite(本月V32狗主cindylai 答案)

During World War II, blacks composed about one-eighth of the U.S. armed forces, which matched their presence in the general population. Although a disproportionately high number of blacks were put in noncombat, support positions in the military, many did fight. The Army Air Corps trained blacks as pilots in a controversial segregated arrangement in Tuskegee, Alabama. During the war, all the armed services moved toward equal treatment of blacks, though none flatly rejected segregation.
In the early war years, hundreds of thousands of blacks left Southern farms for war jobs in Northern and Western cities. In fact more blacks migrated to the North and the West during World War II than had left during the previous war. Although there was racial tension and conflict in their new homes, blacks were free of the worst racial oppression, and they enjoyed much larger incomes. After the war blacks in the North and West used their economic and political influence to support civil rights for Southern blacks.
Blacks continued to work against discrimination during the war, challenging voting registrars in Southern courthouses and suing school boards for equal educational provisions. The membership of the NAACP grew from 50,000 to about 500,000. In 1944 the NAACP won a major victory in Smith v. Allwright, which outlawed the white primary. A new organization, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), was founded in 1942 to challenge segregation in public accommodations in the North.
发表于 2017-8-2 16:56:31 | 只看该作者
wsywsywsy 发表于 2017-8-2 16:46
V1第一段讲二战的时候美国黑人的civil rights有改善,因为战争导致城市里需要 ...

发表于 2017-8-2 17:29:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-2 18:50:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-8-3 14:03:31 | 只看该作者
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