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请教2772之GRE国内题-90年10月SECTION B第二篇
参考答案是A -The body temperatures of warm-blooded animals cannot be easily controlled in the laboratory.
但是原文中只有“Cold-blooded animals were used to test this hypothesis because their body temperature can be controlled in the laboratory.” 根据这句话,我有命题1如下: If the animal is a cold-blood animal, then its body temperature can be controlled in the laboratory. 而以上命题1的逆否命题命题2应该和本命题等价,即(命题2): If its body temperature can not be controlled in the laboratory, then it is not a cold-blood animal. 再根据定义,not cold-blood animal即为warm-blood animal,我得出命题3: If its body temperature can not be controlled in the laboratory, then it is a warm-blood animal.
但是答案A改写成命题形式为(命题4): If the animal is a warm-blood animal, then its body temperature can not be easily controlled in the laboratory.
还有就是,如果原文是说Cold-blooded animals were used to test this hypothesis because their body temperature can be more easily controlled in the laboratory.那么似乎好理解一些。因为用了比较级,一定是和领域里的其他类别相比较而得出的。和warm-blood相对应的就只有cold-blood了,那么就可以得出答案A了。