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[逻辑小分队] 一道题assumption逻辑题不会 求解答!谢谢!

发表于 2019-11-10 03:39:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Excavations of the Roman city of Sepphoris have uncovered numerous detailed mosaics depicting several readily identifiable animal species: a hare, a partridge, and various Mediterranean fish. Oddly, most of the species represented did not live in the Sepphoris region when these mosaics were created. Since identical motifs appear in mosaics found in other Roman cities, however, the mosaics of Sepphoris were very likely created by traveling artisans from some other part of the Roman Empire.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  • The Sepphoris mosaics are not composed exclusively of types of stones found naturally in the Sepphoris area.

  • There is no single region to which all the species depicted in the Sepphoris mosaics are native.

  • No motifs appear in the Sepphoris mosaics that do not also appear in the mosaics of some other Roman city.

  • All of the animal figures in the Sepphoris mosaics are readily identifiable as representations of known species.

  • There was not a common repertory of mosaic designs with which artisans who lived in various parts of the Roman Empire were familiar.
  • 完全不明白 真的哭了!!!求解答!!!

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发表于 2019-11-10 08:55:58 | 只看该作者
premise: S城发掘了很多描述动物的马赛克,而这些动物都不是本地的。其他城市也发现了相同内容的马赛克。



a. 我们在说图案,和石头产地无关
b. 前提说了动物不是本地的,此选项重复一下,排除
c.  S城的图案都出现在了其他城市,这个加强了一下前提,不需要此假设,排除
d.  即使全部识别得出来,也无法证明是云游匠人制作的
e.  这个repertory很恶心,很多同学不认识这个单词。但是我觉得根据句意你可以推断出它得意思。
 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-10 09:51:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-11-14 16:48:44 | 只看该作者
一些经验:假设题的正确选项一般都是否定的意思 (假设的最常见的方式是堵住其他的可能性)
发表于 2019-11-25 05:57:39 | 只看该作者
Question type: Necessary Assumption

Argument Structure:

Mosaic of S were created by traveling artisans from some other part of the Roman Empire ---> identical motifs appear in mosaics found in other roman cities ---> most of the species ( more than half ) represented did not live in S.

So, apparently, we do know that most of the species represented did not live in S; however, can we say that it must be true that just because identical motifs appear in mosaics found in other roman cities, mosaic of s be created by the traveling artisans from other part of the Roman Empire ?

A. Negate it.

Is it really matter that those S region mosaic are either composed exclusively of types of stones found naturally in the S region or not ?

Regardless of the materials of the mosaic are from S or not, we can't determine whether mosaics were created by traveling artisans or not.

B. Negate it

A single region that all the species be depicted in S region are native truly exists.

Ok, We can not determine whether that particular region be meant anything. We can only ensure that there might be or might not be the chances that traveling artisan really created the mosaic if those artisans " know " how the motif of the animals be depicted.

C. Let us negate it.

At least one motifs appear in the S region's mosaics that " do not " also appear in the mosaics of some other roman city.

Ok, If at least one motifs appear in S but not in some other roman city, then it must be true that we can only know the chances are existed that either no one knows how those motifs looked like or no artisan created those.

D. Negate it

Not all of the animal figure in S region's mosaic are readily identifiable as representation of known species.

Um... Tbh, this one sounds interesting, since it does successfully undermine the argument by pointing out the fact that there might be a chance of mis-interpretation of the animal that the motif of the mosaic intends to represent, and if true, it must be true that we can not be certain on how very likely those M at S were created by artisan from the other part of the Roman Empire.

It seems to be ok to grab this as the answer; however, let us wait.

Let's keep it in the contender.

E. Negate it

There truly is a common repertory of mosaic designs with which artisans who lived in various parts of the Roman Empire were familiar

Ok, if a module of the mosaic is common for the artisans from various part of roman empire, then it must be true that we can't be certain to say whether those mosaic were truly created by the traveler.

Correct Answer.

Why D is not correct ?

Ok, Regardless of how many animals could be recognized, we can't be certain whether those mosaic created by travelers or not.
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