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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—43系列】【43-02】科技 Mutualism

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发表于 2014-10-15 05:44:52 | 只看该作者
[Time 2]
mutualism is one type of symbiosis.
one example of mutualism.
Mutualism plays a more important role than we know.

[Time 3]
A tree suffers without the the browsing of insect armies. In avoiding the insect armies, the trees secretes a sweet nectar, but instead attract another kind of ant.

[Time 4]
The large herbivores play an important role not only in the biological system, but also in their impact on biodiversity.

[Time 5]
fungi, bacterial, and viruses have made some agricultural productivity available.
some plants with this technology embedded could be more productive.

[Time 6]
identifying the fungi is not easy as some microbial is located in the gene of plants.

a spider that feed on plant caught scientists' eyes. Different from all the other spiders, this one is a vegetarian. It's food is the plant which has mutualism relationship with an ant. According to a study, the scientist found out that instead of eating ants for food, the spider literally feed on vegetable. They can live in large flock, and sometimes feed on the ants larva, thus will not be influenced by the population decrease of ants.
发表于 2014-10-15 11:04:05 | 只看该作者
The researcher finds that the saliva of animals that eat toxic plants can keep these animals from being poisoned. For example, red fescue can produce a toxin, which can cause animals to lose limbs. However, when saliva of reindeer and moose is dribbled over the plants, the production of such saliva reduce. So, the researchers conclude that saliva has more use than we know.

In the beginning, the author simply introduces the term "mutualism". Mutualism is a relationship that two different species keep to benefit each other, including co-operation and interspecific competition. Then, the author gives us an example to further illustrate the concept.

Second, the author tells us that mutualism is very important in the nature. It helps ecosystem function well and also drives the evolution of much of the biological diversity.

However, how to define the mutualism is a problem. At present, the researchers measures the closeness of two species to categorize mutualism, but this measurement can refer to mutual dependency or physical closeness.

The acacia trees will suffer because of a type of ant if no herbivores don't eat them anymore. The researchers conduct a experiment to prove that. They find that without large herbivores, these trees will excret the sweet nectar in order to attract their bodyguard ants. However, this sweet nectar will induce another type of ant, and the ant can accelerate the activity of beetles, which stunts the growth of trees and causes them to die.

Even though the result only apply to this kind of tree, it also provides an example of how the disappearance of large herbivores can  have unexpected consequences.

Recently, researchers find that we can boost plant growth and crop yields by using fungi, bacteria and viruses rather than genetical method. Then, the author mentions a lot of examples to prove this view of point: microbial useful to capture nitrogen can reduce the need for chemical fertilizer, fungi taken from hot spots can increase the heat resistence of tomatoes, and microbes from polluted places can help plants to resist heavy metals.

However, such useful fungi also have drawbacks. The author mentions that the alkaloid can cause a disease to grazing cattles.

It is surprising that spiders feed on plants. Recently, the researchers have found that a jumping spider eats mostly plants, named acacia plants, and interfere a co-operation between these plants and ants. Like vegetarian spider, the jumping spider doesn't eat ants but leaves of the plants. It also feeds on nectar and ant larva.

The researchers also try to discover what helps the spider digest plants material, which most consists of fiber, figure out the relationship between the jumping spider and its neighbor spiders, and understand why the spider-plant-ant system can stabilize.
发表于 2014-10-15 15:50:42 | 只看该作者
昨天忘记做作业了,赶紧补上,紧接去做今天的 楼主辛苦

The slever in reindeers could help preventing take-in of toxins in the plants that will release toxin chemicals when being eaten. The sequence of the slever is unknown, but it is critical and has important scientific value.

time 2: 3''30'''
Mutualism is one type of symbiosis. Two species in such a relationship can both benefit from it. Mutualism has great significance to the evolution of species but it receives little attention before  because of both the complexity of interactions between different species and the difficulty of recognize the closeness.

time 3: 3''40'''
Mutualism exists among Acacia trees, herbivores and ants--herbivores feed on Acacia trees, providing homes for ants and in turn ants could facilitate the growth of the tree. In the absence of herbivores, trees will suffer.

time 4: 2''03
the mutualism among Acacia tress, herbivores and ants helps explain why the number of ants decreases after the reduce of large animals such as elephants. Protecting large herbivores is critical for maintaining the eco-diversity in certain areas.

time 5: 2''47
Fungi could facilitate the growth of plants and scientists are harnessing this finding to boost the yield of grains and improve the survive ability of vegetables. This method is thought to be more economical, efficient and safer than genetically modified plants.

time 6: 2''15'''
Isolating microbes from plants in a certain area and applying them into plants in others areas has many benefits such as the tolerance of heat and resistance to unfavorable climate changes. But, recognizing the fungi in plants is difficult. Besides, this method has drawbacks too. It will bring unintended and unpredicted eco-influences.

time 7: 9''54'''
The passage is about a special spider that feeds on plants rather than other insects. Spiders are thought to be carnivores for centuries until two biologists found this kind of spider independently. This spider feeds on Acacia trees, which provides hollow spaces for ants to live and relies on the protection provided by the ants. Biologists find that the leaves that this spider eats contains mostly of fibers and limited nutrition. Such a rare feed habit has changed the interactions between the spider and its neighbors--the ants.
发表于 2014-10-15 19:39:13 | 只看该作者
the definition=> relationship of symbiosis => classic example=>the problem to measure
the interdependent relationship between some species and Acacia trees
the explanation for the former discover and listing another example
the task to improve the production of crop=> new founding : fungi , bacteria and viruses could increase the production => introducing a research and experiment
introducing another advanges while describing drawbacks
a special type of spider : eating plant=> there are many people who discovered independently=> the explanation about how such spider digest => the reason why they habitat so close=> the meaning for this founding and continued questions
发表于 2014-10-16 08:11:34 | 只看该作者
1 A 01:49
2 A 02:00
3 A 01:02
4 A 02:07
5 A 02:01
6 A 05:55
paticular spider eat plant. plant and ant live in coperate live. how did the spider envade plant?
发表于 2014-10-16 08:56:52 | 只看该作者
Time2        1        
Time3        2        
Time4                55
Time5        1         25
Time6        1         40
Time7        3         30
发表于 2014-10-16 09:38:45 | 只看该作者
spk :  reindeer's spit can prevent toxin form fungi which lived on plant. but this toxin production from fungi reduced when the drool is dribbled over plants. The specific secret of the spit is still unsolved, but one thing for sure : salivary secretions of large mammals are more important than previously realized.
spd :  2.05  1.57  1.02  1.40  1.33
ob  :  5.36
发表于 2014-10-16 13:09:35 | 只看该作者
[Time2--2:42 ] Introduced mutualism---interactions with two organisms of different species exist and each individual benefits. Mutualism plays a key part in ecology.
[Time3--2:46 ] Acacia and some species of ants are mutualism.
[Time4-- 1:45] Along with the decreasing of the herbivores, one of the only species o acacia that relies on ants has been disappearing and other types of acacia have proliferated.
[Time5--2:07 ] Fungi is a very efficient way to increase agricultural productivity.
[Time6--1:53 ] The fungus and virus conveyed heat to crops and helps boost productivity and fend off the effects of climate change.
[Obstacle--6:52 ] A specie of spiders, which does plant-based diet, can live in close proximity like other species of social spiders.

发表于 2014-10-16 18:14:42 | 只看该作者
reindeer spit can prevent the production of the plant toxins; the compound in reindeer spit.
the definition of mutualism; contrast with interspecific competition; an example of mutualism; mutualism role in the ecology; measuring the benefit is not straightforward and reasons.
the interdependence between the a--tree and several ant species; TP  experiment; the result applies to only species; providing example for the disappearance and extinction of animals;
fungi, bacteria and viruses could be an exciting alternative to increase agricultural productivity. L experiment ; R experiment; drawbacks.
B spiders unusual feeding habit of eating plants; scientist observation; the interactive effect of the habit.
发表于 2014-10-16 20:30:12 | 只看该作者
Time2 2.33s Mutualism is a type of symbosis.
Time3 2.41s A ironic interdependence between ants and herbivores.
Time4 1.38s A decline or even extinction in herbivores could result in bad influence in certain types of ants.
Time5 2.39s Microbes do good to agriculture development.
Time6 2.14s Certain types of microbes help crops tolerant towards heat, drought, salt and heavy mental and so on, boosting yeilds. However, this technique also has drawbacks, for instance, toxic grass makes livestock sick.
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