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我是否该读mba 或法律

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发表于 2004-12-21 09:02:00 | 只看该作者
Welcome. Forestsky. Hope you often visit this  board.
发表于 2004-12-21 13:28:00 | 只看该作者

to lawyer_1

thank you. We really appreciate your contributions to this board. Let's make it better!

发表于 2004-12-22 13:13:00 | 只看该作者
读法律是很有趣的选择,而且读JD的话,基本上是肯定可以找到稳定的工作的. 看到楼上一个兄弟要读JD MBA JOINT DEGREE,佩服的不得了.估计如果成功,可以说是一览众山小了.不过如果精力如此过人,何不只选一样,而把它作好呢?毕竟,没有多少位置是为了这样的教育背景准备的.
发表于 2005-1-10 02:48:00 | 只看该作者


top private equity firm 里面颇有一些这样的人,同时拿着harvard的mba 和jd


发表于 2005-1-15 23:44:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-1-20 12:44:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-1-21 07:51:00 | 只看该作者
Hey, friend,

Why not MBA plus JD? Neither JD nor MBA alone will gurantee you awonderful future career in W. Street or elsewhere as you thought.Assuming you have ambition to become MD or parnter of a legal firm toprove yourself, then it is good for you to try a joint degree inbusiness and law meanwhile.  If you are not that ambitious, theneither pursuing a top MBA or a good JD would lead you to a loss one daybecause you missed the exceptional oppotunities in greater China andmissed your Mr. Right afterwards. Obviously, that would not be in yourinterest.

Thus, in my opinion, either to live well in China or pursue a jointdegree would be worth of your thinking. And empirical evidence alsoindicates that more and more American students choose a joint degreerather than study in law or business alone due to the demand of themarket.

One thing that Chinese need to firmly keep in mind is that, "you needto compete with Americans, smart and strong Americans for a seat in lawschools, good grades, job openings, promotions and etc. And no onewould give you a favor only because you are a Chinese., and this isparticularly true for Mr. Chinese. They have to be internationallycompetitive and comprehensively prepared for their mission rather thandream of lawying."

发表于 2005-1-24 14:01:00 | 只看该作者
Interesting, here is my 1 cent.

To be a lawyer means you have to work long hours and do a lotspaperworks. Of course, some people enjoy doing paperworks and cancomplete them much faster than those others.  But most peopledon't. Nevertheless, a successful lawyer do make more than a decentliving.

To career changers, attending a MBA program is just the beginning ofpossible career change, but do you know which business area you want tochange to?  --- MBA degree is kind of time-sensitive in that youneed to choose a new direction immediately after you graduate.Otherwise, if you keep on working on your current career (be itengineer, scientist ...), your MBA degree will lose its power in aidingyour career change. Unless your purpose is to promote your currentcareer. Nevertheless, it's always helpful to learn as much businessknowledge as you can.  Maybe a "10 Day MBA" book will do the trick?

Neither JD nor MBA can guarantee your future, especially when workingas employee. I know an American who got JD a few years ago, and nowjust got into a MBA program last year. BTW, he's also a PhD.

I'm a bit older than most of you young people here, I believe. To me,the only way out to more promising land is to start your own business,or at least start to give this idea a try.

Your value is mostly determined by how much you can contribute, ratherthan how much you can learn. Learning alone does not add any value atall to most people who have already got at least a Bachelor/Masterdegree.

Anyway, I guess if you have time and money then you can afford to learnwhatever you want to learn, which is a good thing. But if this is thecase, maybe a dentist license is even better?

发表于 2005-1-28 07:31:00 | 只看该作者

I had my MBA two years ago and now I am considering a JD/LLB, my biggest regret is, I should have taken a joint degree.

For those who has a liberal arts undergraduate with work experience in non-technical field like me, should consider twice. One thing is certain, you have to make a career change. If you have interest in both business and law, practically and realistically, law is a good choice. MBA fits best for people who (1) want to continue working in the same function preferrably same industry after completing MBA; and (2) best for people has technology, science, engineering or accounting/finance background, because language/communication in these area have less requirement than if you were in marketing, business strategy, project management. MBA shall be used as a pass leading you to a higher role in the area you have experience, not to be used as a tool  for complete career change, unless you don't mind starting from the bottom, which would probably put yourself in a paradox situation because most company don't hire MBA for entry level post.

Law is different. Average age for most law school students are about 25-26, which means, everyone have couple years of work experience. Everyone has to start from an entry level, irregardless of what he does before. His past work experience will only build up his credibility if he chooses to take advantage of it. He is not looking for middle level technical/managerial postion as he will do when he has the MBA, so he will be better off.

Life style wise, I don't think MBA and Law makes too much difference - both gonna be hectic, long hours, stressful, if you want to be outstanding. Money wise, I don't see overwhelming disparity either, an MBA from a regular school might start from 70,000 - 90,000, so does most of the associate attorney from regular law school. But remember one thing, an MBA/JD will definitely be making more money than either of them respectively.

I hope to know someone who's also preparing LSAT in Toronto, if you know anyone, please let me know, it is just so hard to find a Chinese who wants to do pursue law in Canada.

发表于 2005-2-1 07:17:00 | 只看该作者
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and have so far seen many valuable comments andadvice from others.  It's encouraging to see so many otherssharing the same dream as I do and sometimes the same doubts as Ido.  

Having just graduated from under, I am working in a consulting firm andplan on attaining a graduated degree in 3 years.  MBA, JD andJD/MBA all have great appeal to me, first because I studied business inunder, and also I am interested in law and all its complexities. Needless to say, I am torn between the options, however, the posts herehave helped me to a more clear direction.  Since I have beenpreparing for LSAT, I plan on taking the test in June and start GMATafter that - in an effort for JD/MBA.

I just wanted to wish good luck and god speed to all who are workinghard at attaining their goals, whatever they may be.  Also I lookforward to hearing great news from all of you!  

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