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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障23系列】【23-14】文哲史_Philosophy of Right

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发表于 2016-7-24 08:32:34 | 只看该作者
Time 1  00:03:01
Time 2  00:02:12
Time 3  00:03:09
Time 4  00:01:45
Time 5  00:02:11
Paraphrase 6  00:08:28
发表于 2017-8-31 21:36:33 | 只看该作者
T1 4:05 (404) 并没有看懂。。。
The philosophy of right, published in 1820 and written by Hegel, is probably the most mature philosophical book of him. The book criticized upon another philosopher’s idea that law is not essential to the world and that natural law and right of power would be sufficient.
The book starts by defining free will and says that free will only exists if someone take part in a complicated system including property rights, contracts and legal system etc. A person would not be free if he does not fully take part into the system above.
The plot of the book is mainly around three things that each one is larger than the preceding one and encompass them. First is non-interference as respecting others. Hegel did not deem the first one and go on to the second concept: morality. Under this term, Hegel says that humans reflect their subjectivity of others to respect them. In the third term, ethical life, Hegel integrated individual subjectivity and universal notion of right.
发表于 2017-10-17 16:42:09 | 只看该作者
Democratic is not born in a heartbeat. In a world where people were ruled by monarchs, self-government is an entirely alien idea to them. Democracy takes practice and wisdom from experience.
American colonies started to practice democracy at their early stages. After 150 years, they believed the experience was great enough to refuse to recognize the britsh king. The first decade was rocky. The american revoloution and domestic instability followed prompted a call for a type of government that could guarantee liberty by constitution. the constitution drafted in the early days of the american democratic republic has endured longer than any in the human history.
Where did the democratic tradition truly begin? The ideas and practices that lead to the development of democracy in america owe a debt to the civilization of greece and rome, the protestant reformation, and the enlightenment especially.
The philosophes.
Europeans in 17th century no longer lived in the darkness of middle ages. Ocean voyages had put them in touch with other world civilizations. Trades had brought them prosperity. The protestant reformation encouraged free thinkers to question the practice of catholic church.
the time was ripe for philosophes, scholars who promote democracy and justice through the discussion of individual liberty and equality.
The first philosopher is thomas hobbes, an englishman who concluded in his book, leviathan, that people are incapable of ruling themselves, because human are self-centered and quarrelsome. They need a strong fist of a leader.
发表于 2017-10-17 19:01:46 | 只看该作者
Time 1 3’13’’/401
main idea: introduce a book written by H and the content inside the book.
Para 1. brief intro & this book is an expansion of his another book, and also defeated another scholar’s idea.
Para 2. what H focused on this book was free will, and he asserted that people would not be free if he or she didn’t have rights to participant in different aspects of life.
Para 3. there are three sphere in his book, and the preceding one encompasses the previous one. Three spheres are abstract rights, morality, and ethical life.
Para 4.

Time 2 2’31’’/317
main idea: what is the right
Para 1: right has its conception and its ways of realization
Para 2: the origin of right
Para 3: what is right from its form and content
Para 4: the relationship between right and freedom

Time 3 2’50’’/410
what is I and will, and their relationship with rights.

Time 4 3’04’’/304
the content of will, and its developing phases.

Time 6
Introduction of H’s book. The characteristic of how H’s theory developed is ironic. He developed his theory by developing and denying his old theory. The developing path is that he stands at one point, and then defeats the original point to set up the new idea on the opposite side, and finds the middle point as the end of the development of the philosophy.
The two poles of H’s argument are political empathetic and metaphysical.
There were debates on his metaphysical opinion, but the debate was not about whether his theory is metaphysical or not, but about how strong the metaphysical of his philosophy is.
发表于 2017-10-17 19:23:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-10-19 20:39:10 | 只看该作者
T1 2-05
T2 1;56
T3 2;12
T4 1;33
T5 1;22
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