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楼主: jarlin
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[备考心经] 【迟到两年的GMAT700+,作文3..0-5.5】两年半来,我对它的重新认识&北美考试注意事项

发表于 2010-10-19 00:39:13 | 只看该作者
LZ可否分享一下文中提到的writing workshop所讲的知识呢?
发表于 2010-10-19 01:04:25 | 只看该作者


感谢楼主的分享,让我知道有个人和我一样,这么多年还能为同一件事努力,而且努力有了很好的结果,我也会自勉一下, 加油!!!
发表于 2010-10-19 02:43:55 | 只看该作者


Writing Tips: Five Editing Principles


     Replace "to be" verbs (is, was, were, etc.) with strong active verbs. Often this entails making your statement in active rather than passive voice.
         * Original sentence in passive voice: The ball was kicked by Bill.
         * Revised sentence in active voice: Bill kicked the ball.

     This example is easy because the stronger verb is fairly obvious. In other situations, words ending with -tion are often verbs waiting to happen. For example, we can transform "frustration" into "frustrates," and "allocation" into "allocates."

     Also, collapsing compound verbs into a single verb ("are able to" into "can") rids your sentences of both dull verbs and a lot of clutter. For example, we can rewrite "I am hopeful that he will recover" as "I hope he recovers."
  2. Eliminate strings of prepositions (often a symptom of passive voice).

           Original sentence:
           Shakespeare's Hamlet is dominated by a sense of the main character's brooding over the nature of man in society.

           Notice all the prepositional phrases: by a sense, of the main, over the nature, of man, in society. We may not be able to eliminate them all, but we can tackle a few.

           Revised sentence:
           In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the main character constantly broods over man's place in society.

     Be concise.

     Eliminate clutter, which often appears in the form of prepositional phrases, but also watch out for the senseless and the redundant moments. Notice how, in the example above, "by a sense" adds nothing to the meaning of the sentence.

     Beware of pairs of words which create a nice rhythm to your prose but say the same thing: "With careless nonchalance, she threw the bag over her shoulder." Clearly, either "carelessly" or "nonchalantly" will serve our purposes, but we don't need both.

     Also, expletives (there are, it is) often launch weak sentences: "There are many people who find success intimidating." We have a couple options with this sentence: "Success intimidates many people" or "Many people fear success."
  4. Vary the structure and length of your sentences.

     Your prose becomes choppy (and dull) when every sentence begins with the main subject followed by a verb, and when sentences are of uniform length:
         * Original sentence: "I stopped exercising. I gained 50 pounds."

     We could improve these sentences by combining them:
         * Revised sentence: "After I stopped exercising, I gained 50 pounds."
  5. Use transitional words and phrases to show relationships between sentences.

     Notice how, without any transitional words, we cannot be sure what the relationship is between "I stopped exercising" and "I gained 50 pounds." Did the speaker stop exercising because he had gained fifty pounds? Or did he gain fifty pounds because he stopped exercising? Did exercise or the lack thereof have anything to do with the speaker's weight gain? A revision should clarify this relationship.
发表于 2010-10-19 04:03:36 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-19 14:17:39 | 只看该作者


感谢楼主的分享,让我知道有个人和我一样,这么多年还能为同一件事努力,而且努力有了很好的结果,我也会自勉一下, 加油!!!
-- by 会员 vivngww (2010/10/19 1:04:25)

嗯~ 到了异国 感觉更不一样了~~~ 所以我们一起努力~~终究是我们把它给战胜了~
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-19 14:18:11 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 wcyff408 (2010/10/19 4:03:36)

不谢~~ 话说你的头像和我在太傻的头像是一样的 刚才一看吓一跳~哈哈
 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-19 14:25:46 | 只看该作者


Writing Tips: Five Editing Principles


     Replace "to be" verbs (is, was, were, etc.) with strong active verbs. Often this entails making your statement in active rather than passive voice.
         * Original sentence in passive voice: The ball was kicked by Bill.
         * Revised sentence in active voice: Bill kicked the ball.

     This example is easy because the stronger verb is fairly obvious. In other situations, words ending with -tion are often verbs waiting to happen. For example, we can transform "frustration" into "frustrates," and "allocation" into "allocates."

     Also, collapsing compound verbs into a single verb ("are able to" into "can") rids your sentences of both dull verbs and a lot of clutter. For example, we can rewrite "I am hopeful that he will recover" as "I hope he recovers."
  2. Eliminate strings of prepositions (often a symptom of passive voice).

           Original sentence:
           Shakespeare's Hamlet is dominated by a sense of the main character's brooding over the nature of man in society.

           Notice all the prepositional phrases: by a sense, of the main, over the nature, of man, in society. We may not be able to eliminate them all, but we can tackle a few.

           Revised sentence:
           In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the main character constantly broods over man's place in society.

     Be concise.

     Eliminate clutter, which often appears in the form of prepositional phrases, but also watch out for the senseless and the redundant moments. Notice how, in the example above, "by a sense" adds nothing to the meaning of the sentence.

     Beware of pairs of words which create a nice rhythm to your prose but say the same thing: "With careless nonchalance, she threw the bag over her shoulder." Clearly, either "carelessly" or "nonchalantly" will serve our purposes, but we don't need both.

     Also, expletives (there are, it is) often launch weak sentences: "There are many people who find success intimidating." We have a couple options with this sentence: "Success intimidates many people" or "Many people fear success."
  4. Vary the structure and length of your sentences.

     Your prose becomes choppy (and dull) when every sentence begins with the main subject followed by a verb, and when sentences are of uniform length:
         * Original sentence: "I stopped exercising. I gained 50 pounds."

     We could improve these sentences by combining them:
         * Revised sentence: "After I stopped exercising, I gained 50 pounds."
  5. Use transitional words and phrases to show relationships between sentences.

     Notice how, without any transitional words, we cannot be sure what the relationship is between "I stopped exercising" and "I gained 50 pounds." Did the speaker stop exercising because he had gained fifty pounds? Or did he gain fifty pounds because he stopped exercising? Did exercise or the lack thereof have anything to do with the speaker's weight gain? A revision should clarify this relationship.
-- by 会员 BeBrave2011 (2010/10/19 2:43:55)



1. Passive Voice
2. Misplaced Modifiers, Dangling Participles, Or,
Pay Attention to What You Are Saying
3.Parallel Sentences and Balance
4.Use Definite, Specific, and Concrete Words
Omit All the Words That Are Needless Words

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-19 14:28:35 | 只看该作者
关键搜下每个标题下的例句~ 这样一下子就简单明了了。。。我是怕了版权问题了~~实在不敢出这方面的问题
发表于 2010-10-26 12:34:30 | 只看该作者
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