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[申请总结] publication对申phd到底可以多重要?

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发表于 2012-3-7 01:53:20 | 只看该作者
I took GRE and achieved very high percentiles in V and Q, but poor in AWA.
那看来我的问题也不是没有牛推了。。你gmat考了多少?我730吸引不了top 10, 至少20-30左右应该还差不多的呀?
另外你确定Woochoel Shin是 coordinator? 是的话我就给他写信问问了

Believe or not, it is true. Two of my recommenders are econ ap with no publication and no degree from top 10. The other is a well establish econ prof in China, but definitely not a big name in marketing.
-- by 会员 zzmypster (2012/3/7 1:24:44)

-- by 会员 zhipei (2012/3/7 1:32:57)

发表于 2012-3-7 02:04:25 | 只看该作者
不是aggresive, 我知道zzmypster是在帮我分析原因,我也只是在说一个事实,top没这么简单特别是对master学生而言。
不过后来zzmypster说的我也非常同意了,under review under top是不能代表什么,但是代表了你的target, totally agree.

I can definitely understand your frustration since I'm in a similar or worse situation than you are, with all rejections and no offers yet. But what zzmypster said actually makes a lot of sense. Even though it may not be what you want to hear, he is trying to help and be very honest about what he thinks. Your reply sounds a little passive aggressive to me.

I've also heard similar thoughts from a professor that your publication will signal what kind of scholars you position yourself to be. So for top schools, a B level publication may hurt your chance.

你说JBR不算什么,我先不做评论。 单单说你说你有paper under review on top 1 journal, 什么是undereview? 任何人都可以送paper到top 1上去试,这不代表任何东西,更无法证明你的能力。我想你应该知道under review 和 under revision的区别吧。

我知道我现在能力有限,要是才一个master学生随便就能top, 那top可能真不算什么了,差不多烂大街了吧。

Hi zhipei,

I do not think a JBR is A-. It used to be good. But now, it is tier-3 to me, if QME, JA, JR, JSR, JIM, IJRM etc. count as tier-2. I don't think it is more than a CV filler for faculty in any decent program. Moreover, anything below that would only hurt you.

I am making some bold claims here. Take it with a grain of salt: It seems you are not even trying to publish in top journals. It seems you (and your coauthor) are aiming at some mediocre achievement at most. If that's also the impression you left in committee, I'm afraid thing would not work very well for you. After all, all top 50 programs want to place their students in research school where only tier-1 and tier-2 count for tenure. I would rather have a strong working paper that I presented in major conferences and under review at tier-1 journal, which is basically what I have.

Please do not take it personal, as I'm trying to rationalize how it happened. FYI, I do not have any letter from big names either.
-- by 会员 zzmypster (2012/3/6 23:32:55)

-- by 会员 zhipei (2012/3/7 0:39:58)

-- by 会员 alipay (2012/3/7 1:48:32)

发表于 2012-3-7 02:36:06 | 只看该作者
top conference + paper under review at A/A-的组合比单纯的B journal publication看起来要好些,至少代表别人初步认可了你是在主流学校看重的游戏规则和研究套路下来做一些东西的,先抛开质量不谈。top conference + paper under review at A/A-对于拿到几个top school的interview已经够了,如果还有牛推的话,可以进一步增加interview之后拿到offer的几率

Hi zhipei,

I do not think a JBR is A-. It used to be good. But now, it is tier-3 to me, if QME, JA, JR, JSR, JIM, IJRM etc. count as tier-2. I don't think it is more than a CV filler for faculty in any decent program. Moreover, anything below that would only hurt you.

I am making some bold claims here. Take it with a grain of salt: It seems you are not even trying to publish in top journals. It seems you (and your coauthor) are aiming at some mediocre achievement at most. If that's also the impression you left in committee, I'm afraid thing would not work very well for you. After all, all top 50 programs want to place their students in research school where only tier-1 and tier-2 count for tenure. I would rather have a strong working paper that I presented in major conferences and under review at tier-1 journal, which is basically what I have.

Please do not take it personal, as I'm trying to rationalize how it happened. FYI, I do not have any letter from big names either.
-- by 会员 zzmypster (2012/3/6 23:32:55)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-8 00:32:39 | 只看该作者
回到问题本身,我想像zhipei这样有B level的publication对于master确实不容易,u deserve a good apple. 同时zzmypster和jangle等其他几个人说的其实也有道理,如果有连B都不是的publication,或者过多B及B以下的publication,或者很low tier的conference proceeding,至少会让人质疑你的taste,对于非常rigorous, ambitious的top business school,会有不好的印象。
发表于 2012-3-9 13:00:19 | 只看该作者
申请的人不用纠结A了B了的。不要说B不好。你如果在中国,能够single author一篇JBR或者marketing letters,就秒杀所有申请人,甚至market上许多phd了。AB之分是对于phd找工作和tenure的人来说的。


发表于 2012-3-10 02:55:24 | 只看该作者
申请的人不用纠结A了B了的。不要说B不好。你如果在中国,能够single author一篇JBR或者marketing letters,就秒杀所有申请人,甚至market上许多phd了。AB之分是对于phd找工作和tenure的人来说的。


-- by 会员 zirtek (2012/3/9 13:00:19)

说的虽然在理,但是现在水涨船高,以前申请工作的标准降成了现在申请top school phd admission的标准,以前拿tenure的标准现在降成了申请top school 工作ap的标准了。。。。。。更何况越来越多的国人杀向b-school.....各种强悍人士。。。。
发表于 2012-3-10 07:52:15 | 只看该作者
Exactly! 现在不是几年前了。
申请的人不用纠结A了B了的。不要说B不好。你如果在中国,能够single author一篇JBR或者marketing letters,就秒杀所有申请人,甚至market上许多phd了。AB之分是对于phd找工作和tenure的人来说的。


-- by 会员 zirtek (2012/3/9 13:00:19)

说的虽然在理,但是现在水涨船高,以前申请工作的标准降成了现在申请top school phd admission的标准,以前拿tenure的标准现在降成了申请top school 工作ap的标准了。。。。。。更何况越来越多的国人杀向b-school.....各种强悍人士。。。。
-- by 会员 yesokhelp (2012/3/10 2:55:24)

发表于 2012-5-8 18:34:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-8 18:44:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-8 19:58:57 | 只看该作者
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