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发表于 2011-9-23 10:10:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
1.  John: In 80 percent of car accidents the driver at fault was within five miles of home, so people                  evidently drive less safely near home than they do on long trips.
    Judy: But people do 80 percent of their driving within five miles of home.

How is Judy’s response related to John’s argument?
(A) It shows that the evidence that John presents by itself is not enough to prove his claim.
(B) It restates the evidence that John presents in different terms.
(C) It gives additional evidence that is needed by John to support his conclusion.
(D) It calls into question John’s assumption that whenever people drive more than five miles from           home they are going on a long trip.
(E) It suggests that John’s conclusion is merely a restatement of his argument’s premise.


2.  Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world: unreasonable people persist in trying to adapt the world to themselves. Therefore, all progress depends on unreasonable people.

If all of the statements in the passage above are true, which one of the following statements must also be true?
(A) Reasonable people and unreasonable people are incompatible.
(B) If there are only reasonable people there cannot be progress.
(C) If there are unreasonable people there will be progress.
(D) Some unreasonable people are unable to bring about progress.
(E) Unreasonable people are more persistent than reasonable people.


3.  Theater critic: The theater is in a dismal state. Audiences are sparse and revenue is down. Without the audience and the revenue, the talented and creative people who are the lifeblood of the theater are abandoning it. No wonder standards are deteriorating.
Producer: It’s not true that the theater is in decline. Don’t you realize that your comments constitute a self-fulfilling prophecy? By publishing these opinions, you yourself are discouraging new audiences from emerging and new talent from joining the theater.

Which one of the following is a questionable technique employed by the producer in responding to the critic?
(A) focusing on the effects of the critic’s evaluation rather than on its content
(B) accusing the critic of relying solely on opinion unsupported by factual evidence
(C) challenging the motives behind the critic’s remarks rather than the remarks themselves
(D) relying on emphasis rather than on argument
(E) invoking authority in order to intimidate the critic


4.    Michelangelo’s sixteenth-century Sistine Chapel paintings are currently being restored. A goal of the restorers is to uncover Michelangelo’s original work, and so additions made to Michelangelo’s paintings by later artists are being removed. However, the restorers have decided to make one exception: to leave intact additions that were painted by da Volterra.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to reconcile the restorers’ decision with the goal stated in the passage?
(A) The restorers believe that da Volterra stripped away all previous layers of paint before he              painted his own additions to the Sistine Chapel.
(B) Because da Volterra used a type of pigment that is especially sensitive to light, the additions          to the Sistine Chapel that ad Volterra painted have relatively muted colors.
(C) Da Volterra’s additions were painted in a style that was similar to the style used by                          Michelangelo.
(D) Michelangelo is famous primarily for his sculptures and only secondarily for his paintings,              whereas da Volterra is known exclusively for his paintings.
(E) Da Volterra’s  work is considered by certain art historians to be just as valuable as the work of       additions to Michelangelo’s work.


5. The following appeared in a letter from a part-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner:

“Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therefore, it would be in our financial interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights.”
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发表于 2011-9-28 09:43:41 | 只看该作者
菜鸟问个问题,大家都写得 a b c是什么意思啊
-- by 会员 q1weruqt (2011/9/26 17:09:13)

-- by 会员 balapupu (2011/9/26 18:02:53)

发表于 2011-9-28 09:43:05 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-26 18:02:53 | 只看该作者
菜鸟问个问题,大家都写得 a b c是什么意思啊
-- by 会员 q1weruqt (2011/9/26 17:09:13)

发表于 2011-9-26 17:09:13 | 只看该作者
菜鸟问个问题,大家都写得 a b c是什么意思啊
发表于 2011-9-26 01:34:12 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 bananazoo (2011/9/25 1:23:11)

发表于 2011-9-26 01:32:31 | 只看该作者
P: John claimed that 80% of car accident happened within 5miles of home. so the drivers drive less safely within 5miles than long distant.
P: Judy claimed that 80% of driving within 5 miles of home.
Response: Doubt the evidence and data provided from John, john failed to consider percentage of drivers who drive within 5miles.  
A: A

P: reasonable people adapt themselves to the world, unreasonable people adapt the world to themselves.
C: So the progress of the world is contributed by the unreasonable people.
A: Unreasonable people always take progress.
A: B

P: Theater critic said that the theater revenue is down because the life blood of the theater such as talented people are decayed.
P: The producer claimed that the theater is not in decline is because the theater critic makes full-filling prophecy by discouraging the emerging talented people to join in the theater.
Response: The producer used the evidence of theater critic to oppose its point.
A: C(错)
(A) focusing on the effects of the critic’s evaluation rather than on its content
(C) challenging the motives behind the critic’s remarks rather than the remarks themselves

P: The M.'s painting is being restored. The goal of restorers is to uncover the M's original painting and remove others.
C: However, the restorers maintain one addition painting from D.V.
Resolve: Remove D.V's stuff will affect the quality of M's painting.
A: 为什么是A?不解!!
B是不是说因为DV的painting pigment对于light很敏感,所以他用了很muted的颜色在painting里,这样我在想,如果很淡,可能就看不到了,也就没必要remove了吧。
发表于 2011-9-25 01:23:11 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-25 01:19:23 | 只看该作者
1: 22S
P:80% accidents were taken place within 5 miles on the way home.
p:  so people drive less carefully on their way home than on long trip.
P:  80% people drive within 5 miles on their way home.
Guess: judy points out some important things that john didn't take into consideration.
A:  A

2 13s
P: reasonable people adapt to the world, unreasonable people try to make the world adapt to them.
C: the unreasonable people make all the progress in the world.
Guess: reasonbale people don't make any progress.
A: B

3: >45s
P: with less audience and profits, the talent people who give theater blood abandoned it.
P: the argument 1 is wrong. it flaws in a self-fulfilling ...., and it will affect the new audience and new talent join the theater.
A: A

4: 52s
p: M’s painting was being restored , since the restorer want to see the original of the painting.
P: all the addtions painted to the painting by other artists will be moved except the artist D.
Guess: D' work on these painting is different from others
发表于 2011-9-24 16:24:33 | 只看该作者
bala辛苦了!! bala是不是这几天就要杀T了?加油!!daisy bless u^^
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