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发表于 2012-10-2 04:52:43 | 显示全部楼层
For practicing social media marketing, I have launched an international dating site to help people connect to each other. Most people at my site are Americans and looking for a long term relationship or marriage. I created this site for a few reasons.  First, many of my single Chinese female friends have been struggling to find a special person in their lives after 30. However, age has never been an issue for marriage in the US.  Thus, this site would be a good platform to help them reach their goals.  Second, social media is a trendy area, so as I chose marketing as the path of my career, social media is definitely the place I need to get my feet in. Finally, a good cause certainly makes me feel good about myself. Hopefully, this site will accomplish something meaningful for you or your friends. Thank you!
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