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发表于 2011-4-1 22:38:06 | 显示全部楼层
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Mayor Delmont’s critics complain about the jobs that were lost in the city under Delmont’s leadership.  Yet the fact is that not only were more jobs created than were eliminated, but each year since Delmont took office the average pay for the new jobs created has been higher than that year’s average pay for jobs citywide.  So it stands to reason that throughout Delmont’s tenure the average paycheck in this city has been getting steadily bigger.


C.    Each year during Mayor Delmont’s tenure, the average pay for jobs that were eliminated has been higher than the average pay for jobs citywide.
发表于 2011-4-1 22:56:12 | 显示全部楼层
Q37: GWD-29-Q17
The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years.  This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined.  The percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city, however, did not change from year to year during this period.


C The amount of revenue that Altonville collected from property taxes was lower last year than it was four years ago.
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