Q4: According to the passage, Frazier and Mosteller believe which of the following about medical research?
A. It is seriously flawed as presently conducted because researchers overlook facts that are relevant to the subject of their research.
B. It tends to benefit certain subgroups of patients disproportionately.
C. It routinely reveals new variables in research on entirely new treatments.
D. It can be made more accurate by limiting the amount of information researchers collect.
E. It cannot be free of the risk that significant variables may be overlooked.
(10) analysis. Although limiting information
collection could increase the risk that
researchers will overlook facts relevant
to a study, Frazier and Mosteller contend
that such risk, never entirely eliminable
(15) from research, would still be small in most
(25) the disease under study. Often researchers
restrict study participation to patients
who have no ailments besides those being
studied. A treatment judged successful
under these ideal conditions can then
(30) be evaluated under normal conditions.
只有某些subgroup满足ideal conditions,那treatment是successful,所以benefit;但有些subgroup不同程度地满足ideal conditions,那treatment则是disproportionately benefit.
请教各位,遇到一个选项其它都很perfect,只是某个限定词看起来不舒服,但其他选项理解起来比较牵强,应该怎么办? |