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[考古] 19号考试补充月读考古

发表于 2015-1-20 09:32:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

2.1.4 冷血动物
V1 By luckyxmx
V2 By 某贝
冷血动物靠什么机制过冬。说了2种方法。第二种方法还单独一断用wood frog举例来说。最后是说可以把这些方法运用到人的器官移植。。觉得这篇是最简单的。。记得比较清楚
V3 by njim
V4 by syusuke02
V5 by gaohongmin(Q50,V40)
很长的一篇,关于冷血动物防冻 的文章;大概共三/四段,先描述了冷血动物常用的两种防冻机制,一种是一种Protein,还有一种是利用什么antifreeze什么的;第二部分描述WOOD FROG的防冻机制,好像跟两两种都不太一样;最后一段将人类将此种机制应用在人体或者医学上,虽然还没有大的进展,但是很有借鉴意义。
V6 by  龍之哀伤(Q50,V35,700)
阅读是第一个是冷血动物, 问了那个青蛙的blood suger是干啥用的, 和第一段最后说到的那个东西有点容易混,小心点. 问了woodfrog这段是为了干嘛, 是为了说some animal need more than (第一段的物质) to survive in .....
V7 by  Cherry0225
2。高亮wood frog,  as in order to
3. 树蛙没有那个腺体会怎样,选项,energy not suffient, 这个应该确定的
4。 第一段中有一个破折号的名词,题目文这个东西起什么作用,答案我选的是,controlfreezing 啥的,这个也确定,原文那个名词后面就可以定位到。
V8 by sky2  (700)
V9 by TTJudy 710
第一段:介绍了冬眠hibernation,然后说冬眠是一种自然界里很多动物(freeze tolerantanimals)都会采取的过冬方法blabla,反正第一段不重要。下文两段分别介绍的是动物们普遍采取的两种方法。
第二段:介绍了一种通过anti-freezeprotein来保护身体的机制。首先用一个同位语解释了这种蛋白(一个术语cryoprotectant)可以control the formation of freeze,让动物结冻后安全解冻,然后说这种抗冻蛋白可以保护细胞,可以让细胞外体液结晶后均匀分布,不至于局部涨大损坏细胞的。
V10 by  tina弯(Q51,V25,640)
V1 by mopton(690)
1篇讲某些冷血动物(会冬眠的乌龟,青蛙。。)体内的ice-nucleating(冰晶)?(1段)帮助细胞crystalized,另外的anti-freezing帮助减少the cluster of crystalization。(2段)青蛙体内有种XX(忘了名字)帮助reduce energy needed formetabolism。(3段)医学应用。(4段)虽然这篇是比较长第三段,但很容易读懂。
V2 by yifeifan (700)
V3 by rayzero
动物过冬的那个 freeze crystal的题目 补充一下中间那段说树蛙的,他说树蛙是通过增加血液里的血糖来过冬的。(后面有到细节题问的是这里树蛙增加血糖的作用)。
V4 by angelfisher
我能补充的就是第二段它讲的是crystalized什么的原理,然后就说这个晶体会越来越大,所以就有antifreezing来帮助减少,这里有个考点。第三段讲wood frog好像跟前文说的那个不太一样,第三段不长,但是有两个考题。第四段是医学应用,很简单,没考点。
V5 by withtea (690)
V6 by zhouchlcy
V7 by Johnnyli (750)
V8 by 加洛林 (710)
Freeze tolerance
The ability towithstand the long-term freezing of body fluids has developed in diverse groupsof animals
including some frogsand turtles, many types of insects, and a variety of intertidal marine molluscsand
barnacles (Storey andStorey, 1989, 1996). Freeze tolerance occurs in several species of woodlandfrogs
that hibernate in theleaf litter of the forest floor including the wood frog (Rana sylvatica)(Figure 3), the
gray tree frog (Hylaversicolor), the spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) and the chorus frog(Pseudacris
triseriata). TheSiberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) and two turtle species, theterrestrial box
turtle (Terrapenecarolina) and the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) also survive freezing. Freezetolerance
by painted turtles islimited to the newly hatched juveniles that stay in their underground nests fortheir first
winter of life whereasthe adults winter under water.
The driving force forfreeze tolerance was probably an inability to mount an effective defense
against inoculativefreezing by environmental ice. For example, the water-permeable skin of frogsis no
barrier to icepropagation and although frogs chilled to -2°C may stay supercooled if they aresitting on a
dry substrate, they beginto freeze in less than 30 seconds if they touch ice crystals. Since frogs needto
hibernate in the humidthe leaf litter to keep from desiccating, they have virtually no chance ofavoiding
freezing if icepenetrates into their microenvironment.
Freezing can causemultiple types of damage to unprotected organisms (Figure 4). Ice formation
inside of cellsscrambles intracellular architecture and is lethal in virtually all instancesso even freeze
tolerant animals takeprecautions to limit ice formation to extracellular spaces. Extracellular icecan also do
physical damage bysqueezing or shearing cells, puncturing membranes or bursting microcapillariesso that
upon thawing, theintegrity of cells and organs is destroyed. Ice propagating through extracellularspaces
such as the abdominalcavity, blood stream, gut lumen and bladder also causes severe dehydration ofcells.
This is because theformation of ice, which is a crystal of pure water, excludes the solutes thatwere
dissolved in it andraises the concentration of the remaining unfrozen extracellular fluid. Thishighly
concentrated fluidputs an osmotic stress on cells and draws water out of them so that they shrinkin
volume. If shrinkageexceeds a critical minimum cell volume, irreversible damage is done to thelipid
membranes surroundingthe cell and the cells are not viable after thawing. Freezing of blood alsohalts the
delivery of oxygen andnutrients to organs which most organisms cannot tolerate for long.
Freeze tolerantanimals have developed defenses against these possible injuries withadaptations
that fall into severalcategories: (1) regulation of ice propagation through body tissues, (2) damagerepair to
deal with bleedinginjuries caused by ice, (3) minimizing cell volume reduction during freezing,(4)
membrane and proteinstabilization, (5) resistance to oxygen deprivation, and (6) reactivation ofvital signs
(breathing, heartbeat, nerve and muscle activity) after thawing (Storey and Storey, 1996).
To control iceformation, freeze tolerant animals use specific nucleators (Figure 4). Insteadof
lowering their SCP inwinter as freeze avoiding animals do, freeze tolerant animals raise their SCPby using
nucleators so thatfreezing occurs begins just below the FP. Some species introduce special icenucleating
proteins into theirblood whereas others use contact with environmental ice crystals or thepresence of
nucleating bacteria onthe skin or in the gut to stimulate ice formation. The slow freeze initiated by
nucleators allows thegreatest possible time for organs to make metabolic adjustments before blood
circulation halts andpermits a controlled dehydration of organs that sequesters most of the ice inextraorgan
spaces (such as theabdominal cavity). This reduces the chance of internal damage to organs such as
by ice expansionwithin the lumen of capillaries. Some freeze tolerant animals also appear tohave AFPs in
their body fluidswhich seems contradictory. However, it appears that the function of AFPs infreeze
tolerant systems is tohelp regulate crystal growth and inhibit recrystallization, the process wherebysmall
crystals regroup overtime into larger crystals. In addition, freeze tolerant animals enhance theirdamage
repair mechanisms sothat bleeding injuries can be dealt with rapidly upon thawing. In wood frogs,for
example, freezingstimulates the production of blood clotting proteins.
Controlled dehydrationof cells and organs can minimize ice damage but cell volume reduction
can only go so farbefore cell membranes collapse under compression stress. Generally, freezetolerant
animals can endure theconversion of up to ~65% of their total body water into extracellular ice butthe
remainder must remainliquid within cells. Water retention in cells is aided by the synthesis of highlevels
of glycerol or relatedcarbohydrates which provide the same protection to the intracellular milieu offreeze
tolerant animals thatthey do for all of the body water of freeze avoiding animals. Frogs use glucoseas their
cryoprotectant withlevels of this blood sugar rising by 50-100 fold or more whenever body fluidsbegin to
freeze (Storey andStorey, 1996) . Interestingly, frogs show no evidence of the debilitatingeffects of
hyperglycemia that areevident at much lower sugar levels (2-10 fold above normal) in diabetics. Other
cryoprotectants arealso produced that stabilize the structure of cell membranes so that they canresist
compression stress;the sugar, trehalose, and the amino acid, proline, are widely used for thisfunction.
They intercalatebetween the headgroups of membrane phospholipids to stabilize the bilayerstructure that
is key to biologicalfunction and prevent the lipids from collapsing into an amorphous gel.
Freeze tolerantanimals have also enhanced their ability to cope with oxygen deprivation forthere
is no breathing and noblood circulation while frozen. Again, high glycogen reserves are used toproduce
ATP energy viaglycolysis with lactate build-up tolerated during the freeze. Freeze tolerantanimals also
show enhanced antioxidantdefenses that can minimize damage due to the production of oxygen free
radicals whenbreathing resumes after thawing. The molecular mechanisms that reactivate vitalsigns
during thawing arestill largely unexplored. In frogs, a resumption of heart beat is the firstdetectable vital
sign, followed soonthereafter by breathing and later by a return of coordinated muscle movements.Studies
of the physiology andbiochemistry of natural freezing survival by frogs are revealing numeroussecrets that
are being applied inthe development of improved cryopreservation technology for the freezingstorage of
mammalian cells,tissues and organs.

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