这一题没有一个大家公认最适合的答案么, A虽然说看起来似乎没问题,可是这个a decade later似乎有点问题——文中说的都是82-92年中间的事情,不应该牵涉到那以后或者之前。 我觉得C反倒有理由。C:It changed between 1982 and 1992 in ways that were linked to changes in research and development expenditures. 原文:Yet studies of the most patent-conscious (10) business of all—the semi- conductor industry—suggest that firms do not necessarily become more innovative as they increase their patenting (15) activity. Ziedonis and Hall, for example, found that investment in research and development (a reasonable proxy for innovation) did (20) not substantially increase between 1982 and 1992, the industry’s most feverish period of patenting. Instead, semiconductor firms simply (25) squeezed more patents out of existing research and development expenditures. (说明expenditure for R&D有了变化,因为研发的投入少了,公司从这部分开支中拨了部分出来to squeeze out more patent,导致数量虽然增加了。但是质量下降了。) 当然如果这么说,B也可以说得过去,可是说道largely independent,这之间的相互关系有点迷糊了,文中似乎没有说过patent的数量和质量本来是interdependent的。 这题还是open to discussion
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-15 0:47:18编辑过] |