以下是引用annding在2006-3-10 18:28:00的发言:关于第5题 文章后半段的主题是 urbanization cannot fully explain women’s suffrage in Switzerland. 先是一个让步 ,承认的确urbanized cantons 要比 rural cantons先制定women’s suffrage (It is true that Switzerland’s urbanized cantons (political subdivisions) generally enacted women’s suffrage legislation earlier than did rural cantons. )接着用一个转折,指明U cantons比R cantons 先制定women’s suffrage 的原因在于U的some characterics other than urbanization. (However, these cantons often shared other characteristics—similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties—that may help to explain this phenomenon. ) 此句中的these cantons指代U cantons. 所以请看选项A和C: A正确地转述了文章的意旨;C错在shared with certain rural cantons,文中说的These cantons often shared other characteristics指的是U canton和U canton的share,而非U与R cantons的share. 解释好清楚!谢谢! |