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IR50第10题求助! sports association

发表于 2014-10-16 11:32:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
sports association vs. news organizations

A sporting event can be adequately reported by a news organiztion without broadcasting the event in its entirety on the organization's website.
选 both sports association and news organiztion accept this statement.  

news organization接受的原因很明显,reading 里有原句;
但为什么sports association 也接受?

答案给的解释是:The sports association spokesperson indicates that the association provides several amentities for reporters such as media passes so that they can effectively report (line) on the association's events. This indicates that they believe the events can be reported adequately without broadcasting the entire event.
这个解释实在看不太懂,if anything, 觉得这个解释反而表示不接受:如果sports league 需要 provide media pass 那些媒体才能有效报道,不恰恰说明记者在没有pass 和 amentity的时候 (也就是非entirety时) 报道的不adequetely。


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发表于 2014-12-7 14:16:50 | 只看该作者
首先,看题目:即使event没有被news organization在news organization的网站上broadcast entirety,赛事也照样可以被adequately(=effectively) reported;
然后,看原文:We also provide free media passes to our events for journalists so that they can effectively(关键词,="adequately") report on sports news;
最后,看答案:This indicates that they(指代"Sports Association") believe the events can be reported adequately(此处省略"by the news organizations") without broadcasting the entire event.

看到这里,楼主估计还是有点困惑:Sports Association的原文部分似乎没提到“broadcast entirety”的文字啊?

我一开始也有这样的疑惑,但是,请看第14行“Conditions must be placed on these practices.”,再看第18-23行"News organizations that... should therefore SING CONTRACTS with Sports Association THAT..." 要特别注意这个THAT,它进一步解释由Sports Association规定什么内容可以放到网站上去以及相应的收费。

1)Sports Association认为,Association提供了足够的措施保证Media可以EFFECTIVE/ADEQUATELY报道赛事,而且是提供“免费的PASSES”给Media!
2)Sports Association之所以不开心,不是因为Media把内容放上网,而是因为Media“未经许可”把内容放上网;Association关心的是“Sign Contract”,是向Media收费!

最后,我们再看一遍题目:即使event没有被news organization在news organization的网站上broadcast entirety,赛事也照样可以被adequately(=effectively) reported。

楼主尝试站在Association的角度看着个问题:我都已经尽可能提供便利条件,如Free Passes等,来让这帮Media可以Effectively/Adequately报道赛事了;站在我Association的角度,赛事当然是CAN BE Effectively/Adequately报道的啦!!!至于Media是怎么个报道法(例如是不是在网站上broadcast entirety),我不Care;我关心的只是Media如果要把内容放上网,必须和我签合约,加条款!

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-9 14:31:54 | 只看该作者
shcnyuc 发表于 2014-12-7 14:16
首先,看题目:即使event没有被news organization在news organization的网站上br ...

omg i saw your post wayyy toooo late!!  Thank you so much for your well organized explanation and especially for being super super considerate ^^

I guess my original concern is mostly a proof of lack of "entirety", and your mention of "conditions must be placed on these practices" answers it. Good luck on your gmat too and I don't think you will need any luck

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