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angla 发表于 2014-9-8 17:13 ![]()
9月7日 独立
9月7日 独立
Nowadays, There are many study materials in the market provided to students .More and more(太土了 用increasingly都比这个好) professional training organizationS emerge.students can study through many other channels than school and teacher. However, even this trend is continuing, It is unconvincing to conclude that teacher are appreciated and valued not as much as they were before.
As the economic development(赶紧换了 develop by leaps and bounds), people’s lives improve significantly. People are more urge to acquire knowledge. An increasing number of people expect to receive education and the role of the teacher is valued gradually.(紫色这句话是重点 应该放在最前面当主题句) In my hometown , there were only several teachers in a whole town decades ago, because many people choose(时态) to work as quickly as possible, many people end their study after junior high school.but now, nearly 60% student will attend university. Meanwhile, the number of teacher is many times(好虚...) than that is(number is ?不对吧- -) before. Promotion the nationality’s hope is education, promotion education hope in teachers.(这句话真心没明白什么意思..)
(这一段没有明确写明白为什么老师比以前更加受重视了 你的论点是人们更加热爱学习了 但是论述中没有细节表明 学生的态度变化。单纯的老师的数量变多了 不能说明这一点)
Furthermore, the paycheck of the teacher has been increasing dramatically. many years ago, teacher is not a career with good economic return. There is one proverb to describe this job with humor as “can not starve, but also is not enough to eat”. However, this situation has changed in recent years. The government advocates to promote the education of the country, and strive to reform the Compensation System of teachers. This reformation guaranteeS that outstanding talents have interests to stay in teacher’s position.the quality of teachers(老师的质量?怎么有点别扭- - 感觉quality是指物理状态 应该说教学质量?) determines the quality of students, while the quality of graduated students determines the the competitiveness power(有点重复?竞争力的力量?) of this country in the international competition. The whole country pays more appreciation and values(感觉意思表达不对..搭配不太恰当 直接说国家更注重教育) to teachers.
(而且结尾应该和教师工资(remuneration)联系起来吧..... 因为你的主题句是教师薪资增加了 要不显得不够扣题)
Aside from those facts mentioned above.(这是半句话啊亲!) There are also many indicators to prove that teacher are more appreciated than they are before. (恕我直言 几乎没用 只是重复 或者变化一下句型吸引眼球)For instance, they have more training chances and more promotion in their work. There are more media publicity materials(不晓得这样用对不对) to promote their professional image. All of these changes can confirm that teachers are more appreciated and valued than they were before.
(我觉得可以分别给你说的factors举个例子...或者再多想几个factor 思路挺好)