angla 发表于 2014-8-31 11:26 ![]()
The reading passage gives three pieces ofevidence to support the suggestion that the painting owned by the Austen familycoming up for sales recently is the portrait of teenager Jane Austen. However, the professor of lecture rejects theseevidence and argues that the painting is a portrait of Austen’s relativespossibly,but hardly to prove that it is of Jane Austen.(是Jane的一个亲戚 是听力的一个分论点 不要放在总论点里面说啦~)
First,the lecture argues that the portraitused as an illustration of letters appeared70years after Jane Austen’s death, suggesting that the descendants of Austenfamily didn’t see her in person and didn’t know whether the portrait was ofJane Austen. Therefore, the fact that the portrait had (been) permitted by her family members does not necessarily provedthat it is the portrait of Jane Austen.
Secondly, the lecture argues that the resemble(这个是形容词哦) between the sketch and the portraitdoesn’t necessarily means that the painting is of the same person---Jane Austen. The female members of Austen family will (时态)resemble each other. It could be of her teenager cousin or otherteenager child. The painting isn’t necessarily the portrait of Jane Austen.(最后一句略重复)可以再多加一点细节~
Finally, the lecture argues that theevidence is questionable and insufficient,evidence that painting stylesuggesting the year, when the portrait was painted in Jane Austen’s teenager.(感觉同位语从句用的比较别扭 )another evidence should be considered that the canvases selling(应该说一下stamp和画布的关系) was started after she was27years old. At that time, Jane Austen was older than the teenager in portrait.This fact indicates that the portrait is of someone else who younger than Jane.
【以下部分供修正参考~来自NN】 阅读部分需要提取的观点是: Main point: 有一副画上面的人物是简·奥斯汀 Sub point 1: 这幅画得到了奥斯汀家族的认可 Sub point 2: 面容同简·奥斯汀的另一幅画很像 Sub point 3: 风格上看是奥扎厄斯·汉弗里的作品,此人活跃时期简·奥斯汀的年龄同画作相符
听力笔记内容: Main point: 这幅画中人物不是简·奥斯汀 Sub point one: 虽有家族人的背书,但是这些人都没有见过简·奥斯汀本人 Sub point two: 同简·奥斯汀面容相似的原因可能是画中人物是简·奥斯汀的亲人 Sub point three: 画布背面的印章表明这幅画成画时,简·奥斯汀年龄大于画中人物问题 提示: - endorse背书。本意是指在支票后面签字,引申为赞同,认可,支持(意见,活动,某人等)。 |