42. (32943-!-item-!-188;#058&007554) Researchers have found that whenvery overweight people, who tend to have relatively low metabolic rates, loseweight primarily through dieting, their metabolisms generally remainunchanged. They will thus burnsignificantly fewer calories at the new weight than do people whose weight isnormally at that level. Such newly thinpersons will, therefore, ultimately regain weight until their body size againmatches their metabolic rate. The conclusion of the argumentabove depends on which of the following assumptions? (A) Relatively few very overweightpeople who have dieted down to a new weight tend to continue to consumesubstantially fewer calories than do people whose normal weight is at thatlevel. (B) The metabolisms of people whoare usually not overweight are much more able to vary than the metabolisms ofpeople who have been very overweight. (C) The amount of calories that aperson usually burns in a day is determined more by the amount that is consumedthat day than by the current weight of the individual. (D) Researchers have not yetdetermined whether the metabolic rates of formerly very overweight individualscan be accelerated by means of chemical agents. (E) Because of the constancy oftheir metabolic rates, people who are at their usual weight normally have asmuch difficulty gaining weight as they do losing it. F:调查发现,当那些新陈代谢率低的非常肥胖的人刚开始通过节食减肥,他们的新陈代谢不变 P:新体重下他们会比那些体重正常的人燃烧更少的卡路里 C:因此那些刚瘦下来的人会重新长胖直至新陈代谢率与体重匹配