106. (因果) Trancorpcurrently transports all its goods to Burland Island by truck. The only bridge over the channel separatingBurland from the mainland is congested, and trucks typically spend hours intraffic. Trains can reach the channelmore quickly than trucks, and freight cars can be transported to Burland bybarges that typically cross the channel in an hour. Therefore, to reduce shipping time, Trancorpplans to switch to trains and barges to transport goods to Burland. Whichof the following, if true, casts most serious doubt on whether Trancorp's planwill succeed? A.It does not cost significantly more to transport goods to Burland by truck thanit does to transport goods by train and barge. B.The number of cars traveling over the bridge into Burland is likely to increaseslightly over the next two years. C.Because there has been so much traffic on the roads leading to the bridgebetween Burland and the mainland, these roads are in extremely poor condition. D.Barges that arrive at Burland typically wait several hours for their turn to beunloaded. E.Most trucks transporting goods into Burland return to the mainland empty.
125. (统计枚举) Trancorpcurrently transports all its goods to Burland Islandby truck. The only bridge over thechannel separating Burland from the mainland is congested, and trucks typicallyspend hours in traffic. Trains can reachthe channel more quickly than trucks, and freight cars can be transported toBurland by barges that typically cross the channel in an hour. Therefore, to reduce shipping time, Trancorpplans to switch to trains and barges to transport goods to Burland. Whichof the following would be most important to know in determining whetherTrancorp's plan, if implemented, is likely to achieve its goal? A.Whether transportation by train and barge would be substantially less expensivethan transportation by truck B.Whether there are boats that can make the trip between the mainland and Burlandfaster than barges can C.Whether loading the freight cars onto barges is very time consuming D.Whether the average number of vehicles traveling over the bridge into Burlandhas been relatively constant in recent years E.Whether most trucks transporting goods into Burland return to the mainlandempty