16, A basic concept, percentage is not same to absolute number.
So, the percentage increase of remainder is not same to a corresponding increase in overall incidences.
Since slope injuries, another contributing part of all injuries, declined in percentage, it is highly possible that remainder increased its percentage on the overall without actual committing more incidences.
Inaddition, the last sentense used the verb "increases" not "increased" to suggest a general situation instead of an established fact.
Thus, B is wrong in that the postulated increase of alcohol consumption is not well supported by any legitimate evidence.
E, quite abvious, in 1950 , it is 9/1000, in 1980, it is 3/1000, regardless how overall number changed during the period, the percentage slumped.
18, hehe, it definately has a direct relation with laying eggs. The more viable eggs( those can develop into baby brid), the more successful cases of breeding.
So, B provide an explanation that it is the initial small number of viable eggs, not the nesting experience, in causing the lower rate of breeding at the first time of nesting.
C totally functions a contradictary role. It is not weakening but support since the second time of nesting will definately gain more experience than the first time. So, it justifies the conclusion that skill or experience of nesting contributed the success of breeding.
lay eggs not = breeding or reproduction
breeding and reproduction = have the boby born out.
20, it is a confusion between sufficient condition and necessary condition.
A= saving account B = interest bearing account
all A is B = If A , then B. A is a sufficient condition to B. from A, can get B, but from B, cannot get A.
So, just imagine interest-bearing account is a larger group that includes all saving accounts and other types. If there are some tax-free in interest-bearing accounts, we cannot be sure they will fall into the saving account category.
If the first sentence is modified into "all interest-bearing accounts are saving account" , then this question is ok.
A states that being an artist is sufficient condition to be intellectual, then any one satisfying this will be qualified. nothing wrong.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-26 1:42:24编辑过] |