点击查看帖子 NYU MSFE 2014Fall群,被redirect到NYU Shanghai的GCFE同学也加群吧,顺便叙述下NYU与POLY的关系。.
点击查看学长【NYU MSFE答疑】NYU M.S in Financial Engineering
首先感谢回答问题的Prof. Barry Blecherman <bsb279@nyu.edu>
I will try to answer your questions. Please feel free to write to me again with more questions or if my answers to these questions are not clear to you.
1. How many full-time students and part-time students will be enrolled in this program(2014 Fall)?
We try to have between 75 and 90 new students each fall. Sometimes there are more, sometimes fewer. Almost all are full-time — perhaps 90%.
2. How is the diversity of students like? How many students are Chinese?
Students right now come from (I think) 23 countries. As we look for students with the highest mathematical abilities and China has a wonderful mathematical education for young people there are a lot of students from China — right now, about 1/2 of the student population.
3. How is the placement of international graduates?
Job placement depends mostly on the strength of the economy. Things have been getting better each year since the crisis of 2008-9, but we are not yet back to the days of 2007. Our top international students generally have good job offers, and some have multiple offers to choose between. Our average students usually get good jobs too. The students who graduate with the lowest grades or who have problems presenting themselves in English or as professionals take longer time to get employed. As a rule, students don’t tell me everything about their situations so what I am writing to you is a summary of anecdotal data and not the results of statistical analysis.
4. Can we take courses in other schools, such as Courant and Stern?
Students in our program have 6 credits of elective out of our 33 credit program — these 6 credits may be taken in other departments or schools if those schools permit. Stern does not permit Stern students to go outside of Stern or other students to take Stern courses, except in summer. Courant is a very small program and has a few open seats in classes each semester for FRE students. These seats are given to MS FE students based on our students’ seniority and GPA in our program.
5. We already knew this program is under STEM and OPT could be extended to 29 months. What is the original OPT of this program?
I do not understand this question. Our students are eligible for 29 month OPT experiences. There is no “original” OPT. It is 29 months.
Prof. B. Blecherman
由于今年申请人数太多,竞争激烈,最近有不少同学被redirect到了NYU Shanghai新开的Graduate Certificate in Financial Engineering(GCFE)项目,要求读完certificate后,GPA>3.5才能最终拿到MSFE的录取。基本大概是这样:GCFE要求在上海读完一个学期后(9个学分),Spring到NYU继续读,读完certificate后(共18个学分),GPA>3.5可以转为Master of Science in Financial Engineering,学分可以转换。GPA小于3.5就只能拿个certificate,没有学位证,然后就只能return to your home country。
关于NYU Shanghai的项目质量,教授解释:
Let me add, that in no way the quality of the program in Shanghai will be less than the one in New York. Further, I have expanded the program organization with administrative staff in New York and in Shanghai to be dedicated to the Shanghai program. The department has also a number of our outstanding Professors that will be coming to Shanghai to deliver their course and maintain subsequent communications on line till you do come prepared to New York. I personally assure you that it will be a first rate program reflecting our ambitions to be the best in Asia, as well.
BTW,被redirect到GCFE项目的同学,可以加群NYU MSFE 2014Fall讨论一下,群里有一些被redirect到GCFE的小伙伴。 |