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【v1】某种业已非主流的文字的佛教文献可以比肩于现在已知的四种主要文字记载的佛教文献. 文章介绍了这种语言, 这种文献可能存在的地方, 科学家的研究方法, 和已经发现的此类文献是最悠久的佛教文献, 最后说了该语言中的某个意为copies的词, 能够说明古代中国佛教文献是从这种语言翻译的而不是普遍所认为的来源于S语言
1.Although no other substantial Gandhari manuscripthad come to light, Mr. Salomon was among a handful of researchers who studiedthe language, from the Brough edition, from secular documents in a relatedlanguage, and from inscriptions on pots, coins, and archaeological ruins. 这句绝对是原文 我敢确定。有没有题就忘了
2.Gandhara was the seat of a series of powerfuldynasties from the third century BC to the fourth century AD. Well-known fromabundant archaeological remains, it was a crossroads of cultural influencesfrom India, the West, China, and East Asia, and a melting pot of Greeks,descendants of Scythian invaders from the North, and many others.Archaeological remains and other evidence show that it was also an importantcenter of Buddhism.
这里面有题。问那个crossroads那句好像是infer什么了吧 大概就是这个意思
3.Interlinear notations such as "copied" indicate that the manuscriptswere discarded ones that had been replaced by freshly made ones. Apparently,says Mr. Salomon, the monasteries had well-organized scriptoriums and largelibraries even at that early stage.
4.That leads him and his colleagues to believethat the texts have enormous significance because they support the"Gandhari hypothesis" that Mr. Brough and some other scholars longago proposed: that some early Chinese translations of Buddhist texts wereprepared from Gandhari rather than Sanskrit originals. 这句应该是结尾了
【v3】阅读有一篇讲的Buddism literature manuscript的研究问题,是第三篇阅读,很长很长,很晦涩,各种时间地名地点国家,lz当时就尿了,实在记不起具体写些什么了,只知道自己做了很多考句子作用的题(估计是错太多了,一直是这类题- -)大家可以wikipedia一下,大致了解一下背景,不至于像lz一样好了15分钟在4道题上。。还错了一堆。。(此处心脏又开始绞痛)
【v4】这是我遇到的第三篇文章,超级无敌难,一共4段,实在想不起了。。。有一道题是问,为什么提到G这个地方是当时的交通文化枢纽,答案就在接下来的一句话 选的是:说明佛教受到了中国和西方的影响 by 酸菜鱼315 (750)
佛教,大家一定要看看关于CD上名为“佛教文化”单独的背景资料,加强一点印象。内容和其他人说得差不多,题目比较绕: 1) 问G坐落在几个地区的交界处暗示了什么,不记得选啥了2) 问科学家在对待manuscript应该怎么样?我也选了减少物理接触 3) 问文中最后一段“… copy”暗示什么,比较绕。
"注 意有有一题问“佛经字里行间标注的copy字样”能说明啥问题。选项非常迷惑,一个选项讲Gandhari的佛经是中国古代的佛经翻译过去的(原文讲的是 中国的佛经从那里传过来的),不能选。还有一个选项是“那些佛经是已经作废的佛经的替代品新版本”(原文讲的是这些佛经就是已经作废的版本),也不能选。 应该选“那些和尚(还是寺庙?)有大量的佛经”
还有一题问保管某一批manuscript的考古学家应该注意什么,应该选避免physical contact
小主 你看这个是不是佛经的考古~~~还有疑似原文~~~~ |