现在很多年轻人都是挫败感十足,一个不顺心就把下半辈子 50年的生活都否定了,能成气候的成功者都是上的了刀山,下的了火海。哪个成功人背后没有走错路,没有心路历程。绝对要集中注意力在自己和正能量上,我也是手贱,点进来看这种东西。 美国申请季,大家都伤不起,今年必须走!
“Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me, you got a dream, you gotta protect it. when people can't do something themselves, they're gonna tell you that you can't do it. you want something, go get it, PERIOD. ----Will Smith (the pursuit of Happiness)