Thunderbird Global Management School 0124面经——Global Marketing-With Sadia Khan Sadia Khan-Facebook上同名的好多是巴基斯坦人,开始还在担心口音,可是她几乎木有的,听懂完全木有障碍的~ 当你想不出来答案的时候,她会笑的很灿烂…… 问了我好多之前面经上面木有的啊。。。。人生啊。。。。 Introduction to interview; 1. Why Thunderbird; 2. What do you see yourself in five years; 3. Specific corporations you are interested in; 4. Opinions about digital marketing, companies have shut down their retail stores; 5. Amazon makes predictions based on users’ clicks on websites and then makes delivery in advance; some people think this will violate privacy, what’s your opinion; 6. Personal contribution to Thunderbird; 7. Which overseas country you most want to visit; 8. Personal Brand; 9. The greatest parts and the parts you like least in each internship; 10. International Experience; 11. Questions for her. 她说面试是最后一步了,先期已经经过选拔了。两周之内会有答复~ |