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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—28系列】【28-14】文史哲

发表于 2013-12-2 20:38:42 | 只看该作者
2    2'14
3+4+5 3'40
6 1'55
发表于 2013-12-2 21:04:14 | 只看该作者
jay871750293 发表于 2013-12-1 23:51
Part 3 Obstacle

time2 [400] 04:07
AS is alive after the massive brain injury. Lincoln was died after the strok. It is medical progress. However medical is uncertain, sometimes a patient was saved but was to linger in dying.

time3 [286] 02:37
Fortune is largely accumulated and more millionaires exits.

time4 [371] 02:48
Rockefeller's wealth came from oil. Meanwhile in Europe, the Rothschild family stated the modern banking and therefore madethe wealthiest family.
Rochefeller has the want to make that much money and has the spirit to give money back.

time5 [306] 02:45
The antitrust and the aware of oil importance hinder the successors of Rockefeller. A new mineral may arise to anoint new Rockefeller.

time6 [426] 03:45
There are more chances for the emergence of billionaires.
To have afordable products and continue customers is the key factor to success.

obstacle [1560] 1340
发表于 2013-12-2 21:22:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-12-2 21:48:41 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-12-2 22:11:17 | 只看该作者
3.24 Shalon suffered from a massive stroke and has lived a vegetative state since then. Doctors could not help him retain cognitive ability.
2.21 there are more millionaires today than in the past, so are billionaires.
The world’s first billionaire Rockefeller.
2.57 No trillionaire in the world now.
    How to? Rockefeller in American: oil. Standard Oil Company. Rothschild in Europe: modern bank. You should have strong drive to make more money.
2.29 billionaires today like bill gates and warren buffett are intrinsically giving their money. Oil is not the extraction business to create trillions. Rare metals might do so.
4.10 communication and transportation lines are stretching out all over the world, which fuel the growth of middle class. Retail and technology industrial that use global labor pool and sell affordable products are possible to nourish trillionaires in the future.   
发表于 2013-12-2 22:38:08 | 只看该作者

The new weds often tell taht they are happy,but in an uncontrolable feeling test show the true felling of one of the cpuple to partner.
Given one of the couple the photo of the wife/ husband and then showed quickly some extremely negative or positive words, the subject will soon indentify the negative words, if he/she have nagative felling about his/her partner.

Time2: 2m41s
The president of Israel suddenly got a massive brain stroke, after medicine care, he recover from unconsciousness.
The same situation on lincoln, however,in medecine as in politic we cant control the tragic failures or spectacular success.

Time3: 2m09s
The pool of wealth become larger and larger, but not meaning a evenly income, 86% wealth obtained by 10% person of the world.

Time4: 2m26s
How could Rockefeller become richer and richer? Because he want to make money? And he think money power is gift of god.
Eventually he give off his money to many infrastructures.

Time5: 1m52s
The global competition and government hinder the successor of Rockefeller.
Could a mineral will rebuild a new Rockefeller? Yes,the monopoly metal mineral.     

Time6: 2m21s
100 years ago, the industryilization enable the people become the billionare, in today, the technology and retail also are the two leading industry to lead more wealthiest.     

Obstacle: 11m11s
“The Hunger Games” The first volume of the trilogy of adult novel.
It stated a story about a totalist to control the children and throw any kind of  hardness for them to revolution.
“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,”The second volume, the daring and genuous remain from the competitive.
In the beginning, the sense is great ,the large scale screen and gray phonomenon to create a visible enjoy.
But in the middle, the filmmaker want to describe all the things in the fiction,actually it’s impossible.
“The Armstrong Lie” The armstrong is the famous type in american, but he have to confess that he use the drug like may sportsman . In front of Gibney’s camera, the teammates wife tell  the truth.
And armstrong ‘s strong desire replace his fear and loyalty.
发表于 2013-12-2 23:36:39 | 只看该作者
modern health care system save AS'life but in vegetative state
maybe lincoln can survive with modern health care system.however maybe worse

more and more people become rich.
but for them more tax needed to pay

no one come close to a trillion dollars even rockefeller:invovle oil industury and bank
and in his later life do give away most of his money to many aspects

oil business make R billioner
next R? maybe new mineral


发表于 2013-12-3 08:58:08 | 只看该作者
The new weds often tell taht they are happy,but in an uncontrolable feeling test show the true felling of one of the cpuple to partner.
Given one of the couple the photo of the wife/ husband and then showed quickly some extremely negative or positive words, the subject will soon indentify the negative words, if he/she have nagative felling about his/her partner.     
发表于 2013-12-3 10:32:02 | 只看该作者
T2 3:59
T3 2:30
T4 3:30
T5 2:38
T6 4:01
obstacle 13:26
Some comments of 2 movies named "The hunger game"and "the Armstrong lie"
Some comments on 2 movies of "
发表于 2013-12-3 20:30:48 | 只看该作者
还有饥饿游戏的链接 小Jay太好呢!!
Time 2 2'12'' Knowing when not to treat can be more difficult and more important than knowing how to treat.
Time 3 1'22''
Time 4 2'01'' Becoming super rich and the art of giving money away.
Time 5 1'43''
Time 6 2'28''
Obstacle 8'43''
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