以下是引用而今迈步从头越在2005-2-5 23:05:00的发言:So how about B? B: Can current Gasco customers easily obstain gasoline elsewhere? ETS explains that Choice B is relevant to whether consumers can respond to the call for a boycott. Could I understand this explaination as below? Leaders are considering to mobilize consumers boycott againist Gasco gas station. If current Gasco customers easily obstain gasoline elsewhere, then leaders' plan is plausible becaue consumers can go to other gas station to obstain gasoline. If Gasco gas station is the only choice for consumers, then consumers cannot or aren't willing to boycott against Gasco. So the plan is not plausible. Am I right? thanks a lot!
我觉得你的理解是对的。 这题是典型“为达到某种目的推措施”题 , 我总结如下:
对措施削弱:1.有更好的选择; 2.具体说不好(缺点)在哪里; 3.措施对目的没有效果 4.措施对目的有反效果 5.有其他因素使措施达不到目的。(总的来说就是,有更好的选择,或者措施达不到目的)
对措施加强: 1.措施有效果(包括举例说其他类似的措施有效果) 2.排除其他因素会使措施无法达到目的; 3.措施作用对象就是使产生结果的原因(在找避免某种结果的措施类型的题中)。
以上是我的想法和总结,希望大家多多批评指正,共同提高 |