The following appeared in a memorandum to a team developing accounting software for SmartPro Software, Inc.:
―Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen
SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer.‖
In the argument, the author cited a survey to support that professional users preferred their advanced feature and that was why they choose this company rather than others. But the non-professional users choose the competing companies products more often than SmartPro Software. Then the author reaches the conclusion that the most effective way for them to increase sales of their software for non-professional users is to add the advanced features which were more attractive for professional users. Actually, the reasoning is biased due to the inadequacy and partiality in the natal evidence provided to justify the conclusion.
Firstly, the survey gave us some information about the preference of accountants and reasons why they chose the SmartPro Software were that they were attracted by the advanced special features which were not provided by other competing companies. But does the survey conduct professional? Is there any possible flaw? Because a sounded result of a survey lay the foundation on the people who conducted, the responders and the way how the survey conducted. If there are some careless faults in the process, the result of survey can not be convinced.
Even assuming that the result of the survey mentioned above is statistically reliable,the argument has also committed a false analogy fallacy.The argument rests on the assumption that nonprofessional users is analogous to professional ones in all respects and failing to take into account that possible differences between these two. In fact, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from professional users preference are applicable to their counterparts. They may focus on different factors when they chose a software to do some accounting such as friendly interfere. Non-professional customers may not want that much advanced special features because they may do many fundamental data analysis and easy work. They do not even have a chance to work with advanced special features. Therefore, the product may attract the more advanced people rather than home users.
Even if the analogy is acceptable, the author unfairly assumed that if they provide better product with advanced special features, the sales will increase. However, their is no sufficient evidence to substantiate the assumption that there is a directly cause-and-effect relationship between the 2 factors and it's unfairly to assume that the sales determined solely by the preference of non-professional accountants. Even they are interested in the software, they may not buy it in view of price or some other factors. Therefor, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.
To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands.Because the evidence cited in the analysis is too weak to lend strong support to what the author claims. To make this argument logically acceptable, the author would have to consider and eliminate all the above conspicuous flaws that I analyzed. Maybe the author could give more information to support that the professional users and their counterparts concentrated on the same point-whether the feature is advanced special or not. Or, the assumption that other possibility has no influence on the sales can make it more convincing.