With the rapid development of the society, an increasing number of communication tools are produced by information industry
and people have more opportunity to meet various kinds of people from distinct field since the world advocates fusion among different areas to create unprecedented things. As a result, it is moreconvenient for us to exchange ideas with others. However, a new problem, howcan we identify what characteristics the person has in a short time, takes onin front of us.肿么感觉引出话题的部分长了一点呢,铺垫部
分对于引出你的观点好像作用不是很大One solution is to get knowledge of the booksand the movies the person likes.
In the first place, we can obtain valuablemessages by virtue of investigating直接用by investigating怎么样 howmany books of (and) movies the person has read or watched since then这是什么意思啊. Booksand movies are terrific nourishment for the mind since they bring us to look atthe world without traveling to other places and provide us with a large amountof knowledge. If a person had not read a essential number of books or justwatched couples of movies, how could the person grow to be a well-manneredpeople? So the number of the books and movies a person has read or watched helpus to gain a simple impression of the person. 这段的论证读起来有些牵强,段首的能获得有价值的信息和段尾总结的能获得简单的映像不太一致,并且段内的逻辑对于刚刚说的任何一个观点的支持作用都不是很明显。
How about the types of the books and movies theperson has experienced?我个人感觉这句话对于第二段主旨的表达不是很清楚, 可以考虑该为the types of books and movies the person hasexperienced will diliver us a picture about the person’s charactors. The books and movies of the world nomatter with which language to produce are usually这句话也可以试着改为no matter in what language, the books and movies could be categorized这样貌似要清楚一些,摒弃掉了一定的语法错误。 categorized into diverse varieties accordingto the content, such as history, art, literature, science and more. In general,a person who has a big passion of history is good at cope with human relationsand can handle daily affairs efficiently while an enthusiast of science stay(keeps)(这里用stays好像也可以把) calm and rational at most time. With this in mind, we canconclude that gathering what types the person prefers is beneficial for us tounderstand the person.
Besides, the number of the thickness of thebooks and the length of the movies also supply a couple of message是什么message 呢? for us. We can deduct that the person might have sufficientpatience or the person is a firm supporter of the book or movie from the plentyof pages of a book and the plots of a movie for it takes a number of time forthe person to finish. From these reasons, it is helpful for us to evaluate aperson through the books or movies he or she has completed.
In short, it is a beneficial and quick methodto appraise a person by means of finding out what books and movies the personis interested in from the evidence discussed above.这段话貌似应该放在in short 后面 |