Issue: Universities should require every student to take a varietyof courses outside the student's field of study. Argument: "The following recommendation was made by the presidentand administrative staff of Grove College, a private institution, to thecollege's governing committee. "We recommend that Grove College preserve itscentury-old tradition of all-female education rather than admit men into itsprograms. It is true that a majority of faculty members voted in favor ofcoeducation, arguing that it would encourage more students to apply to Grove.But 80 percent of the students responding to a survey conducted by the studentgovernment wanted the school to remain all female, and over half of the alumnaewho answered a separate survey also opposed coeducation. Keeping the collegeall female will improve morale among students and convince alumnae to keepsupporting the college financially." V: 玛雅果树(某种果树在玛雅废墟那块,长得很好,这个是玛雅文明的证明,但是有人反对,说是因为蝙蝠吃了果子排出种子才造成了这片果树林,和玛雅没有关系...但是后面又有证明说这片果林的产量是其他地方的果林的产量的2倍,说明还是玛雅文明的影响。——转自网络。感谢机经!之前在论坛上看过这题,考试当时不够时间,就立马按印象选了) 饥荒与政府政策(关键词famine entitlement) 农业活动与温室气体 (这两个康老师阅读机经里都有挺详细的翻译梗概,可惜考前没看555….考试的时候一时没想起famine什么意思,整篇都懵了…农业活动的很简单,因为是第二份V,进入easy模式了….康老师的pdf没法复制就不贴了~) American ladies’ landleague, Irish women and American women 之间的不同看法之类的…