rice is a noble school in Texas with the leading starting salary in Texas. But prepre 100k if you really want to study in that famous MBA program. Rice is not generous in financial aid. Frankly, it provides zero scholoarship or assistantship to international applicants. I was admitted last year, but have to enroll another program because of its generous financial support
rice is a noble school in Texas with the leading starting salary in Texas. But prepre 100k if you really want to study in that famous MBA program. Rice is not generous in financial aid. Frankly, it provides zero scholoarship or assistantship to international applicants. I was admitted last year, but have to enroll another program because of its generous financial support
rice is a noble school in Texas with the leading starting salary in Texas. But prepre 100k if you really want to study in that famous MBA program. Rice is not generous in financial aid. Frankly, it provides zero scholoarship or assistantship to international applicants. I was admitted last year, but have to enroll another program because of its generous financial support 不是说Rice给钱很慷慨的么?到底是怎样的啊?