D is my choice. The reasons are as following: 1, There is an important principle of SC in GMAT: DO NOT CHANGE THEMEANING OF THE ORIGINAL SENTENCE. We can get a clear clue, which theunderline part expresses reasons, from the original sentence. Echanges the meaning because it contrasts the meaning of main clasuse. Dkeeps the original meaning.
2, Generally to say, When "while" introduces a clause to express acontrastive meaning to main clause, the sentence structures of bothmain clause and subordinative clause should be similar.
3, In E, present perfect is not suitable in here. If the adverb pharse"in the last year" changed to "in the last ten year", present perfectwould be suitable. This is very subtle to non-English speaker.
这个偶的确体会不出来。不过如果一定要native speaker才能体会出来的subtlety, 那我觉得这不是一个GMAT题目。就如前面jasonhercules兄说的,GMAT真正考的是逻辑,不是英语。如果全球那么多考生都不能体会这一点,那就不是一个好题目了。
By the way, Some XDJMs try to get help from foreigners. I encourge youto do so because they usually have a better sense in English than youdo. But you never consider their opinions superstition. Were theyalways right, most of native speakers would get a full mark of verbalin GMAT.
再次表示同意, 看来大家都不是迷信老外的人...
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-26 11:30:31编辑过] |