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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障19系列】【19-12】文史哲

发表于 2013-5-27 20:26:48 | 只看该作者
2.04  The passage talks about the city of Boston. Firstly the author introduced the boston by mentioning the recent baozha in boston And then the author listed several unique aspects of Boston _ the finance , the history ,and so on. Finally the author breiftly introduce a period of history to show that Boston is orginal place of lierty.


The Boston has a lot of top univerisities such as Harvard, MIT and so on. Also , the Boston has a lot of historic and modern elements, which attract lots of people.


The boston city plpu. has been chaning: the asia people and the H people are becoming majoriity.   There are also black people and B IS still controling the Boston.

In the past, the Boston judge passed new law to get rid of discrimination that whites and blacks are seperated in the history but was protested by the whites. Now students go to schools cloest to their homes and this plan is still protested. The big part of the sutdents are poor blacks and small white .....

The B is still a city where same sex marrgie is allowed and ......


The author talks about the fact that the orginal evil comes slightly before the orgical goods. Then the author listed soe historical facts about this opinions. Then the author listed other experiments to show when we people have such negative facts.  Finally the author talks about the innocent children.


From the analyze of the exp. the author made a surprise finding that although different group regard the same group as exotic gourps, the black group view other gourps such as the whites as the same. Then deep thinking was ......

After that the author listed another reason influeming the exp------learning.Chindlren have to learn different faces to make.......


the athor XX wrote a book in which his life in XXX was recored and the author tries to compliment the life in forests against that in city.

Then the book was popluaar at that time.

The book was also crticisied becuase of ........

After all, the author was poular by more people and .....

发表于 2013-5-27 20:27:50 | 只看该作者
obstacle 5'30
this passage talks about a book written by M that promote the wilderness of American.
after this book was released, many enthusiasts of nature went to A but encountered the wettest and coldest season. they blamed M for wrong depict and M defended himself.
it's no doubt that M is right. after the bad season the popularity of A went up.
even though many famous writers are writing about nature nowadays, they only attract few public attention. M gains popularity by using simple words and "how to" methods.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-27 20:51:55 | 只看该作者
铁板神猴 发表于 2013-5-27 18:52
哦~ 可能你之前加过了空格 去掉所有空格 然后再点居中就好了~

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-27 20:53:12 | 只看该作者
2012Michelle 发表于 2013-5-27 12:54

下次发帖前再稍微编辑一下就好。比如字号(我通常正文用4号)、行间距(段落之间 ...

发表于 2013-5-27 20:55:15 | 只看该作者
2012Michelle 发表于 2013-5-27 12:54

下次发帖前再稍微编辑一下就好。比如字号(我通常正文用4号)、行间距(段落之间 ...

我喜欢三号…… 觉得四号有点粗……好亮的感觉
不空行是两种格式中的一种~ 大米姐关注下总帖~ 小分队选择多多哦
发表于 2013-5-27 21:55:19 | 只看该作者
jay871750293 发表于 2013-5-27 16:02
blue jay 或 red jay?


Jays are several species of medium-sized, usually colorful and noisy, passerine birds in the crow family Corvidae. The names jay and magpie are somewhat interchangeable, and the evolutionary relationships are rather complex. For example, the Eurasian Magpie seems more closely related to the Eurasian Jay than to the Oriental Blue and Green Magpies, whereas the Blue Jay is not closely related to either.


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发表于 2013-5-27 22:20:13 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-5-27 22:52:05 | 只看该作者
Boston is the oldest city in the USA.
People love Boston for many reasons.
Mix of people help gives life to the city.
Origins of devil is a little later than the origin of good.
White child associate Asian faces with anger, Asian child associate black faces with anger,surprisingly, only black children has no bias.
The relationship between child and discrimination.
发表于 2013-5-27 23:41:02 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-5-27 23:41:37 | 只看该作者

Part 1 Speed
[Time 1]  (words: 346   02:32.13)
oppression  [??pre??n] n.压迫;镇压;苦恼
Boston has been in the news because of the bomb explosion. However, Boston is one of U.S's oldest cities. It is a center of finance, education, music as well as a major seaport in U.S. In Boston, American began their American Revolution against England in 1775. People can review these historical moments by walking the Freedom Trail in Boston.

[Time 2] (words: 284 01:47.46)
symphony  [?simf?ni] n.交响乐(曲);(色彩等的)和谐
orchestra  [??:kistr?] n.管弦乐队
botanical  [b??t?nik?l] a.植物(学)的
swan  [sw?n] n.天鹅;诗人;歌手
Boston area is full of colleges ans universities. It is home to many top medical centers. The city is popular with its libraries and music. Although the modern buildings in Boston give the city some of its more current look, Boston still keeps its own historical feel.

[Time 3] (words: 325 02:00.73)
The population in Boston is mixed up with different races. This racial and ethnic mixture help give life to the city, however, it brings a lot of problems, too. Firstly, Boston school officials illegally separated students by race. Then new transportation plan which will take into action in 2014 causes a debate. White families move their children to private school or move out of the city.
At the same time, as the capital city in M, Boston cares about the civil right isse. M became the first state in U.S to permit same-sex marriage.

[TIME4]  (words: 297  02:12.60)
roll  [r?ul] v.(使)滚动;卷;碾;摇摆 n.卷;名单
distress  [di?stres] n.痛苦,忧虑;贫困;不幸 vt.使痛苦(忧虑)
vicious  [?vi??s] a.恶毒的,凶残的;剧烈的,严重的
arbitrary adj. 任意的;武断的;专制的
persecution n. 迫害;烦扰
genocide  n. 种族灭绝;灭绝整个种族的大屠杀
subtle  adj. 微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的
prejudice  n. 偏见;侵害 vt. 损害;使有偏见

The origins of evil may be a little later than the origins of good. Children learned racial discrimination from early age. An experiment which did both on adults and children could prove it.

[TIME5] (words: 319  02:17.78)
conflicting [k?n'flikti?] adj. 冲突的;相矛盾的;不一致的 v. 冲突;争执(conflict的ing形式)
ambiguous  [?m?bigju?s] a.引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的
altruism ['?ltruiz?m] n. 利他;利他主义

Researchers did a series experiments. They found that children knew how groups were related to each other. They can differentiate the racial groups at around 4 years old. They can tell the distinction white/Asian at a later age than the black/white. They can tell in-group and out-group. So it will soon become a war between "us" and "them".

[words: 1067]  07:31.71
preacher n. 牧师;传教士;鼓吹者
tonic n. 补药;主调音或基音 adj. 滋补的;声调的;使精神振作的
primeval adj. 原始的;初期的(等于primaeval)
broach vt. 提出;钻孔;开始讨论;给…开口 n. 钻头;凿子;胸针(等于brooch) vi. [海]突然横转
enthrall vt. 迷住,使着迷
inundate  [ˈinəndeit, inˈʌndet] vt.淹没
stampede n. 惊跑;人群的蜂拥;军队溃败 vi. 蜂拥;逃窜   vt. 使…惊逃;抢占
clutch n. 离合器;控制;手;紧急关头 vi. 攫;企图抓住 vt. 抓住;紧握 dj. 没有手提带或背带的;[美口]紧要关头的
astray adv. 误入歧途地;迷途地;迷路 adj. 迷路的;离开正道的;不对头的
idyll n. 田园诗;牧歌;田园生活
slick  [slik] a.圆滑的;精巧的,灵巧的;光滑的
denounce vt. 谴责;告发;公然抨击;通告废除
balmy adj. 芳香的;温和的;止痛的
oratory  n. 雄辩;演讲术
sermon n. 布道;训诫;启示;冗长的讲话 vt. 对…布道;对…说教 vi. 布道

1 M,as a preacher, published his first guidebook to wild area and encouraged people to explore a pure camp-life.
2 After the Civil War and country's rapid industrialization, people showed a great interest in M's book. Compared with the life in cities, wildness seemed more attractive.
3 Adventurers, who were impressed by M's pictures, went to the wild unprepared. Instead of living an idyllic life, they suffered a lot.
4 Many people complained that M exaggerated the benefit of outdoor life. M then predicted Adirondacks.
5 A is still popular with people. A rich author spend summer in A and did a lot of things...
6 Compared with other writers' work related to natural life, M's book was easier and directer to caputure the public's imagination.

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