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发表于 2004-12-18 13:48:00 | 只看该作者


Questions 7-8 The fishing industry cannot currently be relied upon to help the government count the seabirds killed by net fishing, since an accurate count might result in restriction of net fishing. The government should therefore institute a program under which tissue samples from the dead birds are examined to determine the amount of toxins in the fish eaten by the birds. The industry would then have a reason to turn in the bird carcasses, since the industry needs to know whether the fish it catches are contaminated with toxins.

8. Which one of the following, if true, most strongly indicates that the government program would not by itself provide an accurate count of the seabirds killed by net fishing?

、(A) The seabirds killed by net fishing might be contaminated with several different toxins even if the birds eat only one kind of fish (B) The fishing industry could learn whether the fish it catches are contaminated with toxins if only a few of the seabirds killed by the nets were examined (C) The government could gain valuable information about the source of toxins by examining tissue samples of the seabirds caught in the nets. (D) The fish caught in a particular net might be contaminated with the same toxins as those in the seabirds caught in that net. (E) The government would be willing to certify that the fish caught by the industry are not contaminated with toxins if tests done on the seabirds showed no contamination

这里我看不出来答案b的理由。 原文指出鱼工业应该turn in 死鸟,为了检查鸟吃的鱼又没有毒,但是这里,b ,说如果很少的死鸟被政府检验,渔工业需要检验鱼是否有毒。这怎么支持了全文呢。这个选项想表达什么意思呢?


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-18 13:48:16编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-21 19:34:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-12-22 06:14:00 | 只看该作者

原文的意思是: the government wants to count the birds killed by net fishing. currently, it relies upon the fishing industry to turn in the dead birds caught in the nets. This method cannot  obtain an accurate figure, because the industry knows that if they turn in all the dead birds, the count of dead birds would be very high, then net fishing might be restricted as a result.

Then the argument suggests a program for the government to do the accounting: the program would (in name)examine the toxin in the fish eaten by bird. It is hoped that by this way, the fishing industry would be willing to cooperate by turningin dead birds, since this program is in the interests of the fishing industry(they want to know if their fish is poisonous)

answer (B) "The fishing industry could learn whether the fish it catches are contaminated with toxins if only a few of the seabirds killed by the nets were examined "-----after a few seabirds examined, the fishing industry would get what they want. Therefore, the government will not be expecting all the dead birds to be turned in. They would still be unable to have an accurate account

It seems that your problem with this question is comprehension. practice will help you

 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-23 09:55:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-8-14 18:24:20 | 只看该作者
chelseayang 发表于 2004-12-22 06:14
原文的意思是: the government wants to count the birds killed by net fishing. currently, it relies u ...

Allow me to share my humble 2 cents.

I do believe that the reason why b could be the correct answer is they might only hand in the birds killed by the net " with the toxins " but not " without the toxins " , since they know whether the fishes caught along with the bird are toxins or not.
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