以下是引用linlin315在2003-7-12 20:42:00的发言: 陈向东P154第3题 3、Psychological maladjustment in children is caused by the stress of the birthing process as is proved by the discovery of a positive relationship between the duration of the mother's labor and the amount of time the child spent crying in the first month of life. Which of the following, if true, LEAST damages the author's assertion? A.There is no relationship between the amount of time spent crying and psychological maladjustment. B. Behavior indicative of psychological malajustment does not appear until the third month of a child's life. C. From the infant's point of view, a hurried labor is more stressful than a gradual, slow delivery. D. The estimates of the furation of labor were based on obstetriciam's estimates of the time of the onset of labor. E. The infants who have experienced the greatest stress during birth are often too weak to cry for extended periods of time. 答案是:D 不明白C和D。C为何是削弱,D是啥??
d无关,estimate 与实际是没有关系的。所以least weaken the conclusion.
c反驳了duration of labor与stress的比例关系。 |