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Learn about Consulting Case Interview

发表于 2013-4-12 12:22:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The Thin Line Between Success and Failure
Webinar Series:
Top Secrets You Need to Know in a Consulting Case Interview

As a well-prepared candidate, you might have already read tons of cases, done a number of mock cases, accumulated a lot of knowledge about business, developed good stories to demonstrate your interest in consulting...However, those all can't guarantee you an offer from your dream company.

You might fail not because you are not excellent enough, but because you can't hear WHAT the Interviewer say about you behind the doors but wouldn't dare telling you.

This coming weekend, Listen to our Dedicated Mentors sharing their Inside Perspectiveon

-How to sound logical and structural without using "an actual framework"?
-30 minutes live case demonstration to present you how to behave in a real case interview (including candidate, interviewer and commentator)
-How do those consulting firms evaluate your performance using a secret "Scorecard"?
-What kind of aspects distinguish you as a star performer from the majority?

Sign up during our webinar and you have a chance to
WIN one hour
one-on-one mock case appointment with any of your selected CIN mentor

Saturday, April 13rd
10:00pm-11:30pm US EST
-->for those of you located along U.S. East Coast (NYC, Boston, etc)
9:00pm-10:30pm US CDT
-->for those of you located in U.S. Midwest (Chicago, Michigan, etc)
7:00pm-8:30pm US PST
-->for those of you located in U.S. West Coast (San Francisco, LA, etc)
Sunday, April 14th
10:00am-11:30am China Beijing CST-->for those of you in China

How to Join?
Duobei link:

(Note: Due to restriction on foreign websites imposed by the Chinese government, google/youtube is not available and we have to find an online live-streaming platform accessible to users in both U.S. and mainland China. Please be sure to register for an account ahead of the webinar starting time. Please refer to the User Manual attached to this email for further information. All our webinar & materials will be in English.)

For more information, please contact CIN Committee at cin.application(在)
CIN是由一群拿到麦肯锡、贝恩、BCG、埃森哲、西蒙顾和、德勤咨询暑期实习和全职录取的应届生创立的。CIN在成功的咨询Offeree和正在准备咨询界求职的大学生之间搭建了一个桥梁,通过富集求职资源和传播求职经验,旨在帮助在美国读书的2014级同学申请今年管理咨询行业的暑期实习和全职申请。我们目前正在招收Spring 2013 Program的General Interest Group,具体情况见下。

General Interest Group Application Link:
(IMPORTANT)After filling in the above survey, Please copy and paste this link into your URL to request an invitation to CIN googlegroup

1) Our Mission
Our mission as CIN is to build a consultant network through incubating aspiring consultants from college who will continue to expand this network through "giving back" and mentoring the next generation of aspiring consultants. We hope to create a community that will continue into the consulting industry and benefit all of our members in the long term.
2) What we offer
We are starting a "CIN Interest Group" open to all to join, and it will be a listserv that aggregates a list of people interested in consulting across the country. Meanwhile, our mentors will hold webinars and/or virtual workshops on interview skills training. Also, bi-weekly e-newsletter will cover digest of important news, consulting related topics, and featured mentor/member introduction. We would carefully select resources according to our member’s needs and help them grow and develop.
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