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lsat 12 (2) questions(补充)

发表于 2003-7-10 14:23:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 12 (2) questions(补充)

[face=Georgia]10. Lydia: Each year, thousands of seabirds are injured when they become entangled in equipment owned by fishing companies. Therefore, the fishing companies should assume responsibility for funding veterinary treatment for the injured birds.

Jonathan: Your feelings for the birds are admirable. Your proposal, however, should not be adopted because treatment of the most seriously injured birds would inhumanely prolong the lives of animals no longer able to live in the wild, as all wildlife should.

Jonathan uses which one of the following techniques in his response to Lydia?

(A) He directs a personal attack against her rather than addressing the argument she advances.

(B) He suggests that her proposal is based on self-interest rather than on real sympathy for the injured birds.

(C) He questions the appropriateness of interfering with wildlife in any way, even if the goal of the interference is to help.

(D) He attempts to discredit her proposal by discussing its implications for only those birds that it serves least well.

(E) He evades discussion of her proposal by raising the issue of whether her feelings about the birds are justified.


11. Logging industry official: Harvesting trees from old-growth forests for use in manufacture can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, since when large old trees die in the forest they decompose., releasing their stored carbon dioxide. Harvesting old-growth forests would, moreover, make room for rapidly growing young trees, which absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than do trees in old-growth forests.

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the official's argument?

(A) Many old-growth forests are the home of thousands of animal species that would be endangered if the forests were to be destroyed.

(B) Much of the organic matter(有机物) from old-growth trees, unusable as lumber(木材), is made into products that decompose rapidly.

(C) A young tree contains less than half the amount of carbon dioxide that is stored in an old tree of the same species.

(D) Much of the carbon dioxide present in forests is eventually released when wood and other organic debris found on the forest floor decompose.

(E) It can take many years for the trees of a newly planted forest to reach the size of those found in existing old-growth forests.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-10 18:51:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-7-11 03:12:00 | 只看该作者
Both of these questions were discussed before.

1. "...animals no longer able to live in the wild..." indicates that J only refers to those bird so severely injured that they cannot live in the wild. " serves least well" refers to those birds too.

2. The argument is that by harvesting old-growth trees, we can lower the dioxide level. The evidence is that these trees will decompose if not harvest, releasing the dioxide. B successfully counters the argument, saying that even if they are harvested, they will not be used in a way to stop decoposition. In another word, they mostly decopose no matter what.
发表于 2019-7-23 22:20:54 | 只看该作者
1stzhang 发表于 2003-7-10 14:23
[face=Georgia]10. Lydia: Each year, thousands of seabirds are injured when they become entangled in  ...

For question 10

We have to be as objective as possible when dealing with the methods of reasoning questions.

Argument structure of both

Lydia: P1 ( Entangled in equipment owned by fishing company ) --> P2 ( thousands of bird injured ) ---> C ( Fishing company should assume the responsibilities to fund the veterinary for the injured bird )

Support 1 - > Support 2 as the evidence to support the a claim as the conclusion.

Jonathan: C (Refute the claim ) < ---- P1 ( Prolong the life of serious injured is inhuman ) < ---- P2 ( they should no longer live )

We can clear see, Jonathan did refute the claim of Lydia by discussing the consequences brought in a philosophical principle of morality.

A. he does not direct personal attach, he did show his admirations toward Lydia's empathy to birds.

B. Self interest ? Cmon

C. !!!!!! please be careful !!!!!!!!! he does not question the appropriateness of interfering with the wildlife; instead, he question the morality principle of being inhuman to prolong the life of serious injured bird, since it might make them suffer.

D. He did attempt to discredit the proposal by refuting her claim via discussing only those serious injured bird would be treated.  ( Correct answer )

E. he does not run away from the discussion, and he does not question whether her feeling towards the bird should be justified or not.

Question 11.

C: Harvesting old growth trees from the forest for manufacturing can reduce the carbon dioxide in atmosphere

P1: Old tree will release carbon dioxide when decompose

P2: Harvesting old growth trees from the forest would save room for young trees to grow rapidly, and it could absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than do trees in old growth forest.

First of all, please be careful as reading the concept of whether the quantities of A decrease ( Old trees ) could surely decrease the quantities of B ( Carbon dioxide in atmosphere ) . Just because the quantity of A decrease could increase the quantities of C ( Room of new trees ) , and which results in the increase of D ( New trees grow ) that could better do X ( absorbing carbon dioxide ) than old trees, it still does not mean if the total amount of the B could be decrease.  D only showing a better characteristic of an action.

Secondly, whether the numbers of the new trees grow at the extra room would at least absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide which old trees, harvested,  should have absorbed ? If not, then we know there is a chance that the amount of carbon dioxide might not be lower, since the total numbers of the trees, able to absorb the carbon dioxide, are lower.

Let us weaken the argument.

1. Its not about whether the animal would be endangered or not, we only care about whether the co2 in the atmosphere could be reduced or not.

2. If you cut the old trees that could absorb the C02 and leave the unusable ones which only decompose Co2 rapidly, then the total numbers of trees being capable of absorbing the Co2 are definitely not be able to absorb as high capacities of C02 previously.  ( Correct answer )

3. The amount of Co2 contained within various species or the same species of the tree is non relevant.

4. Just as C, it does not really matter whether they are not found on the floor or not.

5. Regardless of how many years it requires to grow, as long as the total amount of the co2 in atmosphere could be reduced after a million year, it does not weaken the argument.
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