45. 发展中国家*
[V1] by cuiyangjustin (ID: 840431)
P2就解释了下为啥阿三这些国家第二第三产业都涨,一个原因是消费水平上升,一个原因是政府的spending两个行业都花了都促进,还有是劳动力从第一产业shift神马。还提了阿三这些国家的第一产业说第一产业还big enough to support growth of 第三产业
发展中国家和发达国家的service sector和manufacture industry
developing countries 的service sector 和manufacture industry 可以共同发展,不像developed countries 牺牲了manufacture industry 来发展service industry, 其中强调了government 对developing countries 这种发展的positive 影响。
1. (1)主题
2. 有关PRIMARY的叙述哪项正确,我选它底子够厚足够可支持制造业的发展
两段:第一段说发达国家服务业提升的同时,prime industry第一产业、manufacturing industry下降。但发展中国家prime industry虽然会下降,(这个好像有个定位题)但manufacturing industry却没有。
第二段说两个原因。考点主要在这一段。第一原因。第二个原因。大意是发展中国家政府投资会带来挤出效应,但是由于发展中国家运用经济刺激政策,所以manufacturing industry会上升。同时,prime industry的基础足够大,所以也会使得manufacturing industry上升。(700+)
说经济的三大部门(sector) 中,服务业正在崛起,而农业和工业的情况正在下降,发达国家都是这样的,原因是消费者有钱以后的花费增大了,而消费者的消费偏好越来越向第三产业靠拢。第二段讲发展中国家不是这样的,它们三大部门都在增长,虽然服务业发展最快。以印度和巴基斯坦为例(居然没有提到中国,哼!),服务业发展最快,但农业和工 业的发展只是相对慢,而实际并不减慢。作者最后提出了自己的解释:是政府的投资导致了工业和农业的发展速度没有减慢。稳步增长。
与DEVELOPED COUNTRY不同,DEVELOPING COUNTRY 的制造业和服务业可同时增长。虽然这些南亚国家的PRIMARY部分(如农业)有所DECLINE,但其基础足够大,能够满足制造业发展所需的原材料要求。
V1. By williammba
V2 By ptlove4ever
A 讲述发达国家manufacture industry decline的原因
B 讲述发展中国家service sector的发展历程
C 比较发展中国家和发达国家两种industry的区别
D 讲述发展中国家两种industry能共同发展的原因
2、根据文章的表述,the primary industry do what function to the manufacture industry?
D 因为the primary industry 发展得enough,所以ensure the manufacture industry to extend.
3、根据文章的表述,发达国家的government spending符合下列哪种表述?我在CE两个选项之间纠结
B 发达国家的government spending随着经济的增长而增加
C 发达国家的government spending对manufacture industry的发展造成了不利的影响
E 发达国家的government spending不像发展国家的那么多
V3 By Lsofian
选项有1. developed country的govspending不相等于developing country
2.developed country的gov spending多年未增加
developing countries 的service sector和manufacture industry 可以共同发展,不像developed countries 牺牲了manufacture industry 来发展service industry, 其中强调了government 对developing countries 这种发展的positive 影响。
这题的选项真得没怎么看,当时看到了developed country的govspending不相等于developing country这个选项就激动的选了,现在想想,如果有developedcountry的gov spending多年未增加这项的话确实比较合适。
V4 By hookem09
P1) A accepted trend: simultaneous increase in servicesector and manufacturing sector (this is background information). Developedcountries have trouble keeping manufacturing sector from declining whileservice sector improve. Developing countries like Sir Lanka, Vietnam
? Another one,they can have both service sector and manufacturing sector increasingsimultaneously.
P2) Developing countries have primary sector as agriculture.Their governments can keep the simulateous increase in both service sector andmanufacturing sectors (this might be wrong, I am losing memory…) Importantpart: Developing country can reallocate more money to manufacturing sector andstill keep its primary sector stable (because primary sector is big/strongenough to stay stable). Also, developed countries such as the US can’t do that.The manufacturing sector in the US will decline when money gets reallocated toother sectors.
Pay attention to paragraph two because 2 out of 3 questions are from there. They will ask you comparsion questions and main idea. Also another question on how developing countries handle their investment in different sectors
V5 By 若雪
P2里面第一句说印度,巴基斯坦,斯里兰卡说明了这种情况。后面紧接着说their primary industry (natural resources…) is slightly declining,but it is still the critical industry. 然后才接着说几个原因。
有一个问题说developed country的government spending 符合以下哪个:
确定选C 发达国家的government spending has a negative effect on manufactory industry.
定位文章第二段说developing country’s government spending can increase the overalleconomy, but in developed country, 政府的spending是 shift fromthe manufactory industry.
-- by 会员 盐水柠檬 (2013/2/19 21:29:34)