2.6独立 Do youagree or disagree with the following statement?
People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful atworking in a group.
黄 好的 。绿色 建议。 红色 有问题的
Nowadays, team work occupies the most important position in variety manners ofworking. As a result, the ability of time management, communication,self-improvement and etc.(我看到etc.就觉得这句停了,不知道有没有在中间这样用的。讨论) are all crucialelements determine(两个动词了) asuccessful working group member. Besides, an outstanding team member is alwaysa good listener. People need to accept their fellows' advice and even criticismwhen necessary. Those who turna deaf ear to other's criticism and stick to themselves are easily fallinto a wrong road, which would affect job schedule, damage relationship, andimpede personal development.
First of all, refusing criticism prevents the whole team group from carrying onthe work. Assuming that you got some wrong solutions about a case whilediscussing, one of your workmates points out and others are agree, but youinsist your idea and never admit the mistake. It is conceivable that the whole job schedule willbe delayed due to your stupid(个人感觉这个词感情色彩太浓,托福中不是很好)insistence. Consequently, to maintain an original time schedule, greatimportance should be attached to a wise acceptance when facing criticism for asuccessful team member.(这句其实我没读懂。第一,consequently和前面的逻辑不很相关。第二,我觉得不用专门用很难的句式把语序写的不是很好理解。)
Another problem we cannot ignore is that a stubborn people has a negativeimpact on working environment. Everyone in the group enjoys other's noddingassent, but as for criticism, the first sensation(有这个说法吗?告之。我觉得sensation是用在很强烈的感情上的) might not be pleasant. However, as asuccessful group member, modesty is an essential factor to handle conflictsbetween colleagues. Angry as you are, the reason why you are faced others'criticism is the most significant indeed. Therefore, it is necessary to calmdown and communicate with your fellows patiently, and thus to create a harmonyworking atmosphere for a better cooperation.(建议写个啥你表叔表姐的例子更亲切具体。比如他先如此,后来改过了就。。。跟你上面的其实一样,只是加了生活中例子。PS 读了下一段 你原先那样还是挺好的)
What's more, self-improvement will also be affected if one never accept thecriticism from workmates or leaders. A fitting example is about my friend. Lisa, one of my bestfriends(删掉吧,与主旨无关), used to be a member in the campus broadcasting station, and wascriticized by one of her team members of editing a radio program with aoutdated software for convenience, just because she was good at this software. (花儿的句子都好长。。)It turns out one day the software collapsed,all the hard works end up by this unstable system and Lisa couldn’t regretmore. If she accept the criticism(前面只写了有人批评她,以及批评原因,没写她不接受criticism), shecould practice a new skill as well as save the group work from unintendeddamage. Since each of us is limited in knowledge and experience, we can improveour skills and attain a comprehensive thinking by opening to the criticism.
From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion thatrefusing the criticism will impede people's success in a working team. An highquality work on time, a good working atmosphere, and an ideal self-developmentneed us to be more generous and comfortable to embrace the criticism. 总的来说:
(新版用不惯,我word上改好了,粘过来都没了。。 )