啊~看到楼主的贴子了,谢谢你回复我的日记贴。同是北美党,握个手!一起加油。 关于Inference Question我给楼主贴一个我读FOV的笔记,希望对你有帮助。 ? To infer (to draw a conclusion) is NOT to imply (hint at something), NOR to make an assumption about something that normal person would assume is probably true. ? To use ONLY the information in the passage in order to draw a conclusion that cannot be wrong. ? Answers that are probably true or require additional assumptions are WRONG. ? The inferred conclusion is a really boring, trivial, not very insightful one. ? “Flipping” something you just read. ? “Infer”, “Imply”, “Suggest” are words that indicate an Inference question. ? Infer as little as possible. The passage STATES JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENTLY…