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发表于 2012-11-18 20:21:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Issue: Colleges and universities should require allfaculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professionsrelevant to the courses they teach.

1.       首先要明确working outside the academic world in professions的作用:老师把经验传授给学生。有些学科确实是必要的,但是这样就限制了学生自主适应的能力。

2.      对于某些学科来说作用是有限的,对细节的关注会成为负担。

3.      不该要求所有faculty都这么做,要根据学科根据情况来定。

Since a few claims emerge that the quality of instruction need to be improved, some colleges anduniversities require all faculty to work outside the academic world. However, frommy perspective, the effect of this policy could be limited, even negative.

Initially, weshould make the goal of this policy clear. Some people expect that the faculty couldimpart some experience they have got outside the academic world to thestudents, and students would benefit from that. To some degree, it is true thatthis would help the faculty learn something from practice, and that is almost necessaryin a few professions such as medicine and accounting, which ask for substantialskills in practice. Yet exactly because of the substantial skills needed,students should develop their own abilities to adapt various situations, theexperience of others would be of little help. Moreover, others’ experiencecould impede students’ will to develop their own theory, since directly usingavailable approach is much easier. Then students might be devoid of the abilityto adapt different situations, and they could only use the approachindiscriminately. Thus, this sometimes leads to seriously negative results.

On the other hand,when it comes to other sciences like math or physics whose objects are beyondindustry, maybe the professions relevant to what the faculty research or teachare almost nonexistent: some subjects are just purely academic. While outside theacademic world the details are more focused on, some subjects only concernabout the main ideas. Sometimes, paying too much attention to details is aburden for both faculty and students. Thus, in this case, paying attention tothe skill of teaching is more helpful.

In conclusion,this policy is not applicable for all faculty, because the uselessness andnegativity could not be ignored. To improve the quality of construction, thevariety of subjects and situations should be taken into account.
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发表于 2012-11-18 20:55:21 | 只看该作者


Since a few claims emerge that the quality of instruction need to be improved, some colleges and universities require all faculties to work outside the academic world. However, from my perspective, the effect of this policy could be limited, even negative.

Initially, we should make the goal of this policy clear. Some people expect that the faculties could impart some experiences they have got outside the academic world to the students,(and students would benefit from that.
这句最好改一下吧,但是我想改成从句没改好,两个stu连着,而且and前面太长后面太短,不太平衡) To some degree, it is true that this would help the faculty learn something from practice, and that is almost necessary in a few professions such as medicine and accounting, which ask for substantial skills in practice. Yet exactly because of the substantial skills needed,students should develop their own abilities to adapt various situations, 少个连词?the experience of others would be of little help. Moreover, others’ experiences could impede students’ will to develop their own theories, since directly using available approach is much easier. Then students might be devoid of the ability to adapt different situations, and they could only use the approach indiscriminately. Thus, this sometimes leads to seriously negative results.

On the other hand,when it comes to other science subjects like math or physics whose objects are beyond industry, maybe the professions relevant to what the faculties research or teach are almost nonexistent: some subjects are justpurely academic ones. While outside the academic world the details are more focused on, some subjects only concern about the main ideas. Sometimes, paying too much attention to details is a burden for both faculties and students. Thus, in this case, paying attention to the skill of teaching is more helpful.

In conclusion,this policy is not applicable for all faculties, because the uselessness and negativity could not be ignored. To improve the quality of construction, the variety of subjects and situations should be taken into account.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-19 22:10:51 | 只看该作者
Claim: Major policy decisions should always be left topoliticians and other government experts.
Reason: Politicians and other government experts are more informed and thushave better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.

Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on whichthat claim is based.

1.          policy的不是为每一个individual专门制定的,而是要符合大多人的利益。PoliticiansExperts就是为了大部分人的利益而生,尽管也许不能代表所有人。
2.      没有哪个policy是完美的会牺牲掉一部分人的利益。
3.      如果要参考每一个individual的意见就会产生很多分歧,由权威人士权衡政策的制定就会更高效。

When making policy decisions, mostindividuals could only consider their own benefits. However, policies areformulated for the welfare of the whole society, only the people with betterjudgment and perspective are capable.

Some people claim that politiciansand other government experts might abuse their power and make the policiesbeneficial to themselves. Nonetheless, these authorities, who are qualified,have the sapient discernment, the vast ken, the responsibility to take thevarious individuals’ wellbeing into account. As their jobs are defined, theyare hired to maximize the welfare of the whole society by making the sagepolicy decisions with their panoramic view, without considering the profits oftheir own. While major policy decisions are made by the authorities,individuals whose profits were ignored before could take part in the decisionsof corresponding specific policies, then the case that some individuals’ voicecould not be heard is less likely to happen.

Additionally, no policy isperfect, and the benefits of some individuals are foreordained to be vitiated. Forinstance, a polluting factory in a village should necessarily be removed. If wetake every villager’s advice, the result might be inconvenient: they are afraidof losing their jobs in the factory and they prefer the existence of thefactory even at the expense of pollution. However, their myopia could be fataland a provident policy decider is needed. In this case, minor loss isoverwhelmed by the future benefits. It is necessary to take different advice, butsome of them must be abandoned.

Moreover, if every individual hasthe same authority to formulate a policy, the divergences are bound to occurdue to the various milieus of different individuals. It is hard to conciliateand compromise, and lots of time would be needed. When facing imminent problem,such processes are unrealistic. Thus, the authorities could offer a moreefficient decision, giving a more subtle response without a deadlock.

In conclusion, leaving the majorpolicy decisions to authorities would swiftly bring more benefits to the wholesociety while leaving that to individuals could be a rough and tardy way, andits limitation would be complemented by some other specific policies. One mustconcede it is not perfect, but it is superior.


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-22 21:33:56 | 只看该作者
Leadersare created by the demands that are placed on them.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to whichyou agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for theposition you take. In developing and supporting your position, you shouldconsider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explainhow these considerations shape your position.


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发表于 2012-11-22 21:48:20 | 只看该作者


When making policy decisions, most individuals could only consider their own benefits. However, policies are formulated for the welfare of the whole society, and 或者连词吧only the people with better judgment and perspective are capable of doing之类的.(写成从句应该是of which only。。。。are capable

Some people claim that politicians and other government experts might abuse their power and make the policies beneficial to themselves. Nonetheless, these authorities, who are qualified,have the sapient discernment, the vast ken, the responsibility to take the various individuals’ wellbeing into account. As their jobs are defined, they are hired to maximize the welfare of the whole society by making the sage policy decisions with their panoramic view, without considering the profits of their own. While major policy decisions are made by the authorities,individuals whose profits were ignored before could take part in the decisions of corresponding specific policies, then the case that some individuals’ voice could not be heard is less likely to happen.

Additionally, no policy is perfect, and the benefits of some individuals are foreordained to be vitiated. For instance, a polluting factory in a village should necessarily be removed. If we take every villager’s advice, the result might be inconvenient(换个词?): they are afraid of losing their jobs in the factory and they prefer the existence of the factory even at the expense of pollution. However, their myopia could be fatal and a provident policy decider is needed. In this case, minor loss is overwhelmed by the future benefits. It is necessary to take different advices, butsome of them must be abandoned.

Moreover, if every individual has the same authority to formulate a policy, the divergences are bound to occurdue to the various milieus of different individuals. It is hard to conciliate (及物动词)and compromise, and lots of time would be neededwasted更好). When (加个主语,process不能face problemfacing imminent problems(或者前面加a,such processes are unrealistic. Thus, the authorities could offer a more efficient decision, giving a more subtle(换个词比较好吧,感觉有点怪,considerate?) response without a deadlock.

In conclusion, leaving the major policy decisions to authorities would swiftly bring more benefits to the whole society while leaving that to individuals could be a rough and tardy way, and its(指代不明,我没看懂唉) limitation would be complemented by some other specific policies. One must concede that it is not perfect, but it is superior.
发表于 2012-11-23 22:22:32 | 只看该作者
Leaders, as what they are defined, are the ones who use the abilities they possess, with the power and demands placed on them, to achieve the common goals of a group.It is true that demands are essential, but it is only one of the factors that create leaders.

Demands could be regarded as the main drive that motivate leaders to make progress. Sometimes meeting the common demands becomes a responsibility. Meanwhile, the satisfaction of demands would be a significant indicator when a leader is assessed, and might win the trust and reliance of people这一句的主语?应该enable the leaders吧), hence, a leader will be merited. For instance, as people’s demands increase rapidly, Google provides various services to cater to the demands of different people, then gains trust and reliance of millions of clients. Now Google is not only a search engine(应该说是主要的、王牌的) but also have become a leader of the IT industry. Thus, sometimes demand means opportunity.

However, only with demands placed on, cannot one become a leader. In the late period of the Soviet Union, its corruption of the government and dissatisfaction of people led to the dissolution, exactly, due to the excessive demands in the Cold War. In another word, for the impotent leaders, the demands placed on them would be burdens, instead of opportunities. (这一句感觉成了demands的支持了,屌丝领导不能驾驭demands,不正从侧面说明顺应demands的重要了么)On the other hand, back to Google, a couple years ago nobody could predict such an internet company would foray into the smartphone industry and become a leader at such an incredibly prompt velocity. This breakthrough of Google does not merely rely on the demands of people, and the provident sight and courageous ambition are more critical.这个例子有点weak,只是纯粹下结论而无论据

In conclusion, the creation of leaders depends on various factors. While one must concede the demands placed on leaders could be an essential factor, the omission of other factors would be unwise.




发表于 2012-11-23 22:46:29 | 只看该作者
When making policy decisions, most individuals could only consider their own benefits. However, policies are formulated for the welfare of the whole society, only the people with better judgment and perspective are capable(加个of 然后连个宾语吧).

Some people claim that politicians and other government experts might abuse their power and make the policies beneficial to themselves. Nonetheless, these authorities, who are qualified, have the sapient discernment, the vast ken, the responsibility to take the various individuals’ wellbeing into account. As their jobs are defined, they are hired to maximize the welfare of the whole society by making the sage policy decisions with their panoramic view, without considering the profits of their own. While major policy decisions are made by the authorities, individuals whose profits were ignored before could take part in the decisions of corresponding specific policies, then the case that some individuals’ voice could not be heard is less likely to happen.

Additionally, no policy is perfect, and the benefits of some individuals are foreordained to be vitiated. For instance, a polluting factory in a village should necessarily be removed. If we take every villager’s advice, the result might be inconvenient: they are afraid of losing their jobs in the factory and they prefer the existence of the factory even at the expense of pollution. However, their myopia could be fatal and a provident policy decider is needed. In this case, minor loss is overwhelmed by the future benefits. It is necessary to take different advice, but some of them must be abandoned.

Moreover, if every individual has the same authority to formulate a policy, the divergences are bound to occur due to the various milieus of different individuals. It is hard to conciliate and compromise, and lots of time would be needed. When facing imminent problem, such processes are unrealistic. Thus, the authorities could offer a more efficient decision, giving a more subtle response without a deadlock.

In conclusion, leaving the major policy decisions to authorities would swiftly bring more benefits to the whole society while leaving that to individuals could be a rough and tardy way, and its limitation would be complemented by some other specific policies. One must concede it is not perfect, but it is superior.


发表于 2012-11-24 09:21:52 | 只看该作者

issueleader demands -fang1124修改



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-24 19:17:59 | 只看该作者

argument6 北极鹿  40min 写完发现只有251字。。。之后又改了下大概300 (其实说的内容没增加 就改了下句子表达)
我觉得我找的点挺多的啊 为什么就是写不多。。。
求指导 比如我找出来的某个点还可以写些什么之类的


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发表于 2012-11-24 21:43:16 | 只看该作者

1124fang 修改argument6



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