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今早出的分 28+29+27+29=113 我复习了6个月,分享一下经验,另外附上我的口语音频以及独立写作集
阅读 我只用了TPO来练习,没事会上上wikipedia查查背景知识。我一般是读一段做一题的,感觉时间还够。背单词推荐用无老师镇魂单词,也就1400多个,考 试那天所有的单词题都是在里面能找得到的。背的时候要注意有些单词是有多个意思的,所以都要背下来。 最后一题我一般是用1分钟看一下text记下每段的关键词再回来做,做多了就知道哪些是minor idea了。 最后说一下,我感觉ETS改阅读的时候很松的,我平常做TPO经常错个八九题,特别是TPO19-23的都错了很多,考试的时候第一篇因为太紧张还卡了壳,所以大家放心,做TPO错的多也没关系的。
听力 听力推荐大家用npr来联系,那里面可以听的东西很多,一般时间讲的时间都比较长而且最重要的是有transcript,很方便做听写。我一般听talk of the nation, all things considered和 planet money几个板块。另外我还是只用TPO练,听力我一般错2-4题 考试的时候第一个section很顺,但是第二个section就很难,特别是那个conversation。平常都觉得conversation很简单的,结果都没怎么听懂。 感觉听力首先要理解文章大概的意思,比如是conversation的话就要先知道学生去找教授或者教授找学生的真正目的。有些题目很有迷惑性,比如有学生 找教授先说教授然后记笔记的时候要注意把lecture里面的具体例子记下,比如教授讲到adaptation,还举了squirrel和turtle的例子,那就要把这两个都记下此外还要注意一些推测题目,比如教授讲课的时候说一句"This is already in your text book" 这时候就要记下了,因为出题有可能问教授在课堂上会 不会讲这个概念什么的。最后要注意记下教授在谈到某个观点的时候自己的看法或者讲到某句话的时候的语气,题目做多了就会有一种感觉哪一句话会被考
口语 考前照着1-2题照着机经把2010-2012年的都练了一遍,然后3-6题拿tpo反复练了50遍左右,考试时全中机经了,说下经验
第1-2题:网上有很多人说要说两个理由,但我觉得想不到的话举一个也行的,关键是要有例子支持。比如题目是describe an interesting experience 什么的那就不需要两个理由了。我感觉如果能把自己的例子像讲故事一样完整的表达出来再加上一些细节就OK了,比如问到favorite outdoor activity,我会说 backyard barbeque,然后说周末的时候我经常搞backyard barbeque,我会邀请亲朋好友来参加,会做很多好吃的东西,有beef mutton sausage等等,大家都玩得很开心
第3题:这一题有时候题目要求briefly summarize the proposal之后才说学生的意见,有时候不用,我考试那天题目是要求要summarize的,所以大家要 看清楚。所以看阅读的时候只需要看里面的proposal就可以了。至于模版我觉得不需要刻意去背,我一般就是这么说的:the letter proposes(或者别的 )that …,But the man disagree/the man thinks this is a great idea. First,… Second,…最后一般不用总结的,如果时间还有剩余,可以加一 句that's pretty much about it
第4题:这一题首先要把阅读里的概念搞清楚,我考试那天出的概念是egocentric thinking,那么阅读中就应该这样记下:egocentric thinking is a tendency that people consider others to have the same visual perspective as they do(具体的不记得了),其他的东西都不需要记的。听听力的 时候要一边记笔记一边要整理,我一般是这样说的:A is a tendency/phenomenon/strategy that ….In the lecture, the professor presents an example/experiment to illustrate this concept. In this example,…,最后要套一下,so according to A, the result shows that…
第5题:这一题比较简单,大家做做练习就会了。我一般是这样说的:the man's problem is that …, two possible solutions are given. He can … , or he can …. I will recommend him to …, because 先说另一种办法的不好,然后再说这种办法的好,可以加一些自己的看法。
第6题:这题和第4题差不多的。我一般是这样说的:The lecture talks about the XXX, the professor describes two kinds of XXX. First…,Second…。
写作 考试那天综合写作比较悲剧,3个观点只听全了一个,另外两个都没听清楚。独立写作还好,中机经了,之前写过,考试的时候敲了550字。独立写作我给大家推荐一个网站http://www.english-test.net/forum/,免费的老外给你改,比花钱去新东方好多了。我贴上两篇我的文章供大家参考。
1. The reading mainly discusses three possible solutions to stop the spread of the cane toad in Australia. However, the lecture states that these solutions either are not effective or causing environmental damage. There are the three following reasons.
First, building a national fence will not stop the cane toad from spreading. The professor mentions that the young eggs of the cane toad mainly live in river or streams, and these waterways may flow from one place to another, thus a fence is not likely to be able to prevent the spread. This directly refutes the reading which states that building a national fence will prevent the spread of the cane toad, as they succeeded by using this approach in preventing the spread of the rabbits.
Second, although toads can be captured and destroyed by volunteers as the reading proposes, these untrained volunteers will also destroy the native frogs because the cane toad highly resembles the native frogs in their physical characteristics and volunteers can't tell from the two species. Therefore, forming volunteer groups to capture and destroy the toads as the reading states is a bad idea.
Third, using virus can cause great damage to central South American ecosystems. Although the professor agrees that using virus can control the cane toad populations, she also states that the cane toad and some reptile and amphibian species are frequently transported from Australia to South America. However, such transported species are native in South America and are a part of the ecosystem in that region. Therefore, the virus may spread from Australia to South America, killing many native toads and disrupt the South American ecosystem.
In conclusion, the lecture states that the solutions in the reading either are unsuccessful or will cause great environmental problem.(292 words)
2.Which is more important for a university: having more facilities or hiring more teachers?
Universities constantly face choices about how they should spend their money: to purchase more equipment or hire more faculty. Some think that facilities are more important as they help students to learn better while others argue that teachers are more essential because the bigger the number of teachers are, the more students can be taught. In my perspective, it's more important to employ more teachers because more teachers boil down to more students, more revenue and better reputation.(我觉得第一段最好把正反两面都讲一下然后
To begin with, the number of teachers is consistent with the number of students. Although some may say better facilities enable students to learn more efficiently and do more exercises, many would agree it is the number of teachers that decides the scale of enrollment. In my own experience, my university trippled its campus' size within the three years before I registered; the installations were improved, the new library was built, and even a soccer field was placed on campus. However, the enrollment scale remained stable in those three years as few teachers were hired. Then in the following three years, I witnessed the a huge change-the number of classes doubled and three students' apartment dormitories had to built because the school hired thirty additional teachers. The teacher number of teachers is decisive for a univerity's enrollment size, despite the fact that teachers can teach better and more efficiently with the help of more facilities.(时间有限,所以最好乱编一个personal experience虚构一些故事)
The same logic applies to the benefit of more revenue, as students pay tuition fees and alumni donate. Therefore, it's a smart trade to employ more teachers in exchange for more students and more revenue. How many times have we heard of universities gaining millions of dollars from the enrollment? How many times have we observed alumni donating huge amounts of money to the university? Every headmaster will say the university has benefitted much more from students than the investment in teachers. On the contrary, a university keen on bringing in more facilities and improving equipment does not have such benefit-the number of students will remain stable and there won't be a significant increase in revenue. Consequetly, it's more economically beneficial to hire more faculties instead of improving facilities.(第2段我会用how many times have we heard of 来排比串句子,写的时候乱编几个角色进去)
Furthermore, hiring more teachers helps the university to increase its popularity. It's obvious that more students increase the rate of success from a mathematical point of view. In fact, in a large university with a large number of students, people can easily find friends in common, which contributes to cooperation; they may join together as entrepreneurs, co-researchers, company founders etc, and work as a team. This increases the chance of success. My friend Chen is a successful entrepreneur who graduated from Zhejiang university(the university with the greatest number of students in China); he founded a stock company from which he earns millions of dollars alongside his university friends. Unarguably, this higher chance of success will add a bonus to the university's reputation because people would look favorably at a university whose students are more successful.(时间有限,所以不要引用名人名言浪费时间,直接虚构自己的一个朋友,注意要specific,所以加上一些细节,比如他是学什么专业的哪个大学的去干了什么)
In conclusion, although facilities can help students with their studying, it is fundamental for a university to hire more teachers in order to hire more students; gain more profit and increase its popularity.(最后在把自己的3个理由澄清一下,这个我问过老外,没有凑字数之嫌的) (531 words) |
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