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发表于 2004-10-31 11:12:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用sandyclub在2004-10-31 2:39:00的发言:

今天下午听了Odie117自行制作的TOEFL PP听力录音Test1-短篇


请也在准备T的大家 帮帮我看看是否有错误啰

晚上都在看HBO 不乖 要被打

Hey, Mary, one of my students has decided to stop taking piano lessons from me. I could give you her slot on Tuesdays from 8 to 9 if you want it.

Gee, maybe I’ve giving you the wrong impression. I am not that serious about playing.

What does the woman mean?

I met someone named Joe Parker at the registration last night. Are you related?

I have got a cousin by that name, but he goes to a different college.

I have 2 classes this afternoon and then I have to work tonight. And I feel miserable. Do you have any cold medicine?

Sure, I have got a bottle you could have. But it gets over your cold a lot faster if you just took easy for a few days.

I don’t know how I am going to get all of these done tonight. I have got 2 chapters of history to read and 30 Calculus problems to finish for tomorrow. And boy, do I have trouble with Calculus!

Well, you know it’s usually best to get the hardest work done first.

I’m signing up for that training course next Saturday on how to prepare for a job-interview. How about you?

If it were only an hour or so, I would go. But I just can’t spare a whole afternoon this weekend. I think it’s offered again next month though.

Amy is going to tutor Scot again tonight.

But she has got 3 papers due this week. Shouldn’t she be working on them?

Excuse me. I don’t know my way around campus yet. Where is the Science building located?

I’d like to help you, but I’m new here myself.

Can I borrow that book when you finish with it?

You’ll have to talk to Laura. I promise to her next.

The chorus needs someone to accompany them on piano. You play, don’t you?

Well, lately I’ve just been working on guitar. So I’m a little rusty.

That was some storm we had last night. Did your power go out?

It sure did. And then my alarm didn’t go off this morning. So I miss my first class.


Richard has been so happy since he heard from the graduate school.

Yes, he has been flowing on air ever since he got his acceptance letter.

Did you notice that the student concert is next week?

Noticed?! I’m the one from the Coro club who will be taking tickets.

I just want to let you know that your paper on 18th century France showed a particularly good understanding of the subject matter.

Actually I didn’t have much time to do the research. So I was worried that you were calling me in to criticize it.

Could I borrow your notes from this morning’s Biology lecture? I am so mad at myself that I stayed up late studying and over-slept.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, you were far from the only one who didn’t make it this morning.

Did you hear that the real professional theatre company scheduled a performance right here on campus?

You bet. I did. I haven’t been this exciting about a campus performance since the musical 2 years ago.

I tried for a half an hour to print my paper on that laser printer downstairs, but it kept jamming. Do you have any suggestion?

That’s certainly news to me. It has been completely reliable for me

I just found out that I can’t attend the student conference on October. But I already send the registration fee.

Relax! They will resend you all but 10% if you let them know right away.

Oh, Richard, I didn’t expect to see you today. I thought you work at the book store on Thursday afternoon.

I do, but I am switching day with someone else so that I can finish my lab report. I will be there on Saturday instead.

I never thought Nancy Smith would be interested in joining the debating team.

That just goes to show how well you really know her.

Thanks for lending me your Chemistry study guide. I promise I will return it at dinner.

Forget it and I will be knocking at your door late tonight.


I will be back in an hour or so. I’ve got to meet the housing director on campus.

You might want to wait until this afternoon. It’s pretty heck over there this time in the morning.

At this rate, I don’t think I am ever going to get better in writing. My composition mark has been the same all semester. Straight Cs.

What did your instructor say it’s keeping your marks down?

I have to figure out the car rental share for our trip to the lake. Should I count you in?

I am happy to report I am available. I finally caught up with my reading

Do you think you will be available to go to the basketball game on Sunday?

Actually I am waiting to hear from my brother. He might be coming to visit this weekend.

When will you know for sure?

Check with me tomorrow afternoon.

I can’t find this book on the shelf. Can you check the computer and see if it’s checked out? I need it right away.

It’s checked out, but there is another copy at the other library. I can get it for you in about 2 days or you can drive over and get it yourself.

Are you coming along or what? We’ll be late to class.

Save me a seat. I can’t show up without my assignment.

Can I look at your notes from yesterday’s class? I can’t read some of what I wrote here.

Sure, help yourself. But I should warn you I spent most of the time daydreaming.

I don’t understand why engineering students are required to take introductory Sociology.

Well, I suppose it will come in handy once you start working.

I finally finish the Chemistry lab. Did you have a chance to work on yours yet?

The problem is the results weren’t what I was hoping for. If I have time, I am going to do it over again.

Have you been studying for the history test on Friday?

Yeh, but I can’t believe it covers the whole semester’s material. I will never be ready.

Well, it does help to keep up with the reading assignments during the semester.

I saw your note on the bulletin board. I thought you already had a roommate.

Ya, but he is graduating in June. So I thought I’d better start looking for someone now.

Well, the location couldn’t be better and the rent is not that bad.

Oh, I am glad I found you. I left my notebook in the lab and it’s locked.

We locked up all the rooms at 8 o’clock.

But I need my notes. I have an exam tomorrow.

I can’t let anyone in. Wait here and I will take a look myself.

Do you know how I do get to the research lab from here?

Walking from here is out of the question. And the last bus out that was gone already. Do you have a car?

I am really not making any progress on this lab report. The data I have collected so far just don’t seem to make much sense.

If you’d like, I can review what you have and then we can go over it together.

I appreciate the effort, but I think I just need to keep chipping away at it on my own before I ask anyone else to take a look.

Can you believe the costs of textbooks? I just paid 55 dollars for my Chemistry book.

That’s nothing. Think twice before you decide to take an Art history class.

It’s really hard to concentrate with that humming voice in the background. Do you know where it’s coming from?

Ya, it’s the printer. But don’t worry. It only does that when it’s warming up.

I am really sorry I am late. First I had trouble finding your house and then my car…

It doesn’t matter.. Just glad you made it. Come in and make yourself at home.

Hey Jay, where have you been lately?

I’ve been spending most of my afternoon in the psychology lab. I had no idea what I was getting into when I signed up for this course.

Ya, I took the class last year and practically had to move into the lab.

I heard a rumor that we are going to have a quiz in the class tomorrow.

That’s definitely news to me.

Sally says that she dropped her article off at the student newspaper office yesterday.

I couldn’t find it. Neither could anyone else.

Well, I was with her when she gave it to the secretary. So you need to look again.

Hey Julie, I want to ask you if the washing machines in your dormitory are working, because ours has been broken for a week. It’s getting kind of desperate.

As far as I know, they are. But why don’t you take your laundry over to the gym until they fix the problem.

You know the smell of the chemical preservative from our Biology lab gives me a headache. Doesn’t it bother you, too?

Not anymore. I’d come to realize that there are certain things that Biology majors have to put up with.

Are you disappointed that Bill won the election? I mean, you would have been a great president for the debate team.

You know, with all of my course work, I feel that a 2-tons truck has been lifted up with my shoulders.

I heard the modern art exhibition at the university museum is great.

I’ve been trying to get there but I am so busy with papers for my classes.

Well, it won’t be here much longer. You really ought to make time for it.

I’ve been looking all over for Peter. I’ve got a book of his that he left behind at the cafeteria. He might need it for his test tomorrow.

I met him a few minutes ago and he said that he was heading for the study hall at the student center.

I shouldn’t have taken so many courses. It’s really hard to keep up with all my class work.

Well, you are taking an extra course. You should remember that when you sign up the classes next term.

I just need one more class to complete my schedule. I can’t decide between Calculus and music appreciation.

Well, I am no counselor, but you do want to be an engineer. And I don’t think a music course is going to help you out very much.

I’m so busy with those works in classes that I never seem to get around to cleaning my house.

It wouldn’t hurt to call an agency to see if you can afford to get some help.

Professor, I am really sorry, but my paper is just not going to finish by this afternoon. Is there any way that you can give me an extension?

If I give one to you, I’ll have to give one for everyone.

Kate has been working night and day to finish her documentary for film class.

She could have been done by now, but she insists on being so independent.

So the xxx club is planning another fundraiser. Will you be in charge again this year?

Unless I can get out of it.

I can’t believe I miss the dead line for the discount basketball tickets.

Oh, don’t worry. That was for the general public. University students have until the end of the month.

All the photos I took on my trip with my new camera are ruined. For some season, the film didn’t advance through the camera.

Well, did you read the instruction carefully before using it?

53 conversations in total.



发表于 2004-10-31 11:14:00 | 只看该作者

大家教教我怎么upload档案吧 像上面就有些浪费空间

如果学会像大家一样用Zip file上传 版面会清爽点儿




发表于 2004-10-31 13:37:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-31 14:44:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢enjoy版主 你说的也有道理 有时候要下载也挺麻烦的

虽然file不是顶大 还是得看看网络的速度


更新了一下 附上题号

这样大家好找一些 有错误的话 大家也好讨论

昨晚上回老家 所以计算机里边没有任何档案


~有大家的鼓励 我多一点信心了~

 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-31 15:05:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用yangsky66在2004-10-31 4:27:00的发言:

词汇:    俞敏洪托福词汇串讲(附串讲词汇表)MP3版


听力:    新东方TOEFL听力突破

         Odie117自行制作的TOEFL PP听力录音

文法:    高天华-文法必修(2年前上课的资料)


阅读:    徐文意-阅读单元班(1年前上课的资料)


写作:    练习中。



原本想用俞老师的词汇是因为可以放入mp3 player坐车时可以听听背背


(像前面的短篇听力 有一大半都是在火车上完成的 幸好人不多 有座位作才方便写下来)



对不起问一个笨问题 PP伴侣就是模考的那一份吧?

我想把它当成模考来练习之后再进一步深入研读 大概下礼拜11.7早上就可以小试一下了 谢谢提醒



语法阅读都是我的弱项吧 G的时候Verbal分数就低 除了上课 不断作题

太傻和pp语法笔记 肯定也要研读 谢谢提醒有王海波语法

我找到了 明天下载吧 今天上限的人挺多了 流量也大 速度就慢了

4阅读 pp-2000后的新体,一定要读懂,你可以参考我的一个帖子,分析一个托友的2004。1的问题。



如果方便的话 可以给我连结吗?

thank you

发表于 2004-10-31 22:01:00 | 只看该作者

关于yangsky 提到得那个链接,我已经找到,请参考:



发表于 2004-11-1 04:23:00 | 只看该作者





 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-2 00:03:00 | 只看该作者

今天第一天FOLLOW SCHEDULE,速度有点慢,才会延至现在。


Hunters and Gatherers

Knowledge about earliest hunters and gatherers found by excavation

Those people selected living sites by 3 factors.

The example of Olduvai Gorget in Tanzania.

Hunters and gatherers abandoned food bones and tools.

People in Olduvai vs. Other people

Caves were occupied again and again.

Occupation layers can be removed by meticulous excavation.

Vs. Farmers ---

Sites are larger because they were tied to herd and hardly moved.

Farming sites were occupied time after time.


Herd:a congregation of gregarious wild animals

Jumble (x jumbo) = confused

Abandon (x abundant)

Meticulous = with great care

Trowel: a scoop-shaped or flat-bladed garden tool

Millennia:a period of 1000 years, millennium, Inflected Form(s): plural

The characteristics of an Estuary

Define estuary and list 3 zones..

Saltwater and freshwater create a complex environment and biological diversity.

Birds prefer

Most fish find it unsuitable. Nevertheless, catfish have adapted.


Estuary:a water passage where the tide meets a river current

Ebb:the reflux of the tide toward the sea

Stratified = layed

Dictate = to give


Define fossils. 3 Fossilized processes in plant-carbonization, petrifaction, and replacement.

Fossilization of animal tissues by:organic trap (amber), pits of tar, cold climates, and mummification.


Petrifaction:turn into stone

Pit:a hole, shaft, or cavity in the ground

Tar:a dark brown or black bituminous usually odorous viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation of organic material (as wood, coal, or peat)

Pits of tar:焦油坑

Asphalt:a dark bituminous substance that is found in natural beds and is also obtained as a residue in petroleum refining and that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons;沥青

Soaked up = absorbed

Residue = substance

seep:to enter or penetrate slowly

Properties of snow

Different forms of snow:rain, ice crystal, snow crystal, snowflakes

The effect of snow:lowering of temperature


Dazzling:to shine brilliantly

hub:a center of activity

configuration = pattern

fuse = unite

Electoral College

Define Electoral college and give its origin.

Original---number of elector = the state's number of legislative representatives

Before 1820, electors came by appointment.

Later, a direct, popular election

Disputes--- ex. 1876 and 1888.

Today, the electors of the winning party of a popular vote sent to the general vote.

The losing party lost the right to send even an elector.

Conclusion---The system is undemocratic and does not accurately represent the will of the people.


Electoral college:a body of electors

Frame:to construct

Ostensibly = apparently, superficially

Erupted = occurred

Forfeit:something deposited and then redeemed on payment of a fine

Disparity = difference, discrepancy


1848 Marshall discovered gold. 1848~1954 massive population

The largest water system were constructed. Business flourished.

Immigrants, creating racism at California. Deforestation and destroyed the environment.

Original---number of elector = the state's number of legislative representatives

Before 1820, electors came by appointment.

Later, a direct, popular election

Disputes--- ex. 1876 and 1888.


sawmill:a mill or machine for sawing logs

inundated = flooded

foolhardy:foolishly adventurous and bold

skyrocket = increase

swell:to expand gradually beyond a normal or original limit

fledgling:immature or inexperienced

quartz:a mineral

Concomitant:to accompany

Infrastructure:the underlying foundation

animosity = hostility

Expanse = area

Frenzy:a temporary madness

Lust:an intense longing

blaze:being on fire

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-3 00:24:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用yangsky66在2004-11-1 4:23:00的发言:





谢谢 我会加油的

zhoushao的图样儿 好像台湾歌星范晓萱喔 呵呵 是姊妹吗?

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-3 00:44:00 | 只看该作者


11/1     听力:完成长对话1-6     (果然出现很多陌生字汇)

           阅读:老师指定的Toefl模题一套  补充教材四套

           词汇:Toefl词汇百分百的unit 2(花了16分钟 对48 错2) 新生单字也有30个




11/2     听力:完成长对话 6-12   (这回学聪明了,上网去找点背景资料,写起来快多了)


           词汇:Toefl词汇百分百的unit 3(花了17分钟 对46 错4) 新生单字也有25个


           TWE:没成果… (明天立志突破)



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