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With thedevelopment of our society, university is not a fresh word to people nowadaysanymore. Nevertheless,(转折前后我感受不到联系哦~给我解释一下吧) professors inuniversities have different preferences. Some of them spend more time doingresearch while others prefer to spend time on educating students. I do believethat it is significant to do research, but after a careful thought, I thinkprofessors should focus on educating students. After all, university is schooland professors are teachers, and(貌似缺少连词吧) it istheir duty to impart (从来没见过~厉害)studentsknowledge and they can also learn from their students to help finish theirresearch. Meanwhile, having class is also an opportunity for professors toreview the basic knowledge.
Educating is a process that (后面应该加句子吧~)humaninheriting knowledge and learning skills to explore the world. It is how human getting prepared for theirfuture life (怎么感觉这句话没有说完似的~it is指什么呀?)and school is such a place that (+句子) providing education. Although the technology has developed so fastthat human nowadays can study from resources in (on?)theinternet, studying from the professors is still the most efficient way.University professors are most knowledgeable people in the world, and it istheir duty to impart their knowledge to students. However, many professorschoose to spend more time on doing their own research instead of educatingstudents. In some countries, especially in China, teacher is not a well-paid career (job), soprofessors choose to do research, through which they can earn extra salary to satisfytheir physical needs. However, professors should notice that they have chosen acareer that can satisfy some more elevated needs that beyond money. On thispoint, they should be responsible for their choice and focus on educatingstudents.
In addition to it is professors’ duty to focus oneducating students, and teaching is also a process that not onlystudents learn from their teachers but alsoteachers learn from students (and vice versa怎么样).Actually, there is a research reveals that most of importantdiscoveries were found in their(professors,没有指明) first ten years after (When)scholars started their researches. It seemslike it is difficult for scholars to (有没有必要我也不清楚~)remaincreative during a long period. However, students, who are in their mostcreative age, have countless brilliant and excellent ideas that professors canget inspiration from. So teaching can sometimes help professors to do theirresearch more efficiently.
Meanwhile, having classes is also an opportunityfor professors to review their basic knowledge. For instance, my father is auniversity professor, and he got into a dilemma when written(writing) his PHD paper. It was very tough for him, but one day oneof his students asked him a question in task book (这是什么书?), and myfather found his answer to get out from (of)his trouble in his (the) paperfrom the book. Sometimes it iseasy (直接说it is common) for us to ignore the most basic knowledge whenwe keep on our study deeper and deeper, and basicknowledge is always the most essential and (and出现的有点多哈)significant knowledge. Thus educating students is also an opportunityfor professors to think about questions from the top and can help them get outof troubles in their researches.
In summary, basic (based) onthe reasons I listed above, I strongly believe that professors should spendmore time on educating students instead of doing research. 觉得你从句里总是缺少动词哈~这个很有问题 由于我和你的观点不同哈~所以我不太好评价你的论点~咱们两个的对比太鲜明...... 很多句子有点罗嗦~虽然看着很长很棒,但是让人有点困惑~能看懂,但是不是很舒服~个人小感受,DB参考就可以 有的地方代词指代不是很明确~ 就这些吧,熊熊的作文很不好只能看出这么多~多交流