1. Conditions: (bad weather) or (few tickets) -->cancel-->refunds
Excluding "few tickets" which is already not true based on the question, we can treat "bad weather" --> refunds as "if a condition, which by itself is enough to guarantee a certain result".充分条件
However, such condition, is not the only condition under which that result would occur.(充要条件)
以下是引用lyricling在2003-7-3 20:39:00的发言: 讨论一下,toceano222兄,你是怎样理解 "A unless B or C"这个条件关系的?难道不应该是 “非A--> B or C"吗?
liricling 偶是这样理解的: A=开音乐会, B=天气坏 C=票卖少 原文:A unless B or C,也就是如果B或C都不发生,A就发生;既 非B U 非C->A 由此可推出: B或C其中一个发生的话,A就不可能发生,即B or C->非A 因此得到:预报坏天气or票卖少了->音乐会取消